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From the moment I saw Twinkle in the hotel, my brain was not functioning properly. I'm not able to convince the Blake's. My mind is clogged with her thoughts. Though I'm in the meeting, my mind is with her. I'm getting angry for no reason.

I was ready to give up this deal at one point, but my dad called me. He wanted me to get this deal at any cost.
He is also depressed with my actions. Blake's are very hard nut to break. The meeting looked never ending. There was no full stop but only comma. Why can't they just agree?

After lot of convincing and discussion, the meeting ended at 6pm. Which of course went according to how I wanted. We got the deal and also in our favour. As it was late and everyone wanted to enjoy. We had gone to the pub. I didn't want to go but had to go, as a token of gratitude.

I wanted to go back to my office once before going to the pub. I wanted to check on few documents which I should have done morning. I didn't expect this meeting to turn out so long. I asked them to enjoy and left telling that I would comeback in few.

Once I reached the office, I saw Rose holding few documents and waiting for me. I had called her on the way to get the files to my cabin. The only reason she is in this office even after trying to flirt with me, is because of her  hardwork.

I completed as much work as possible and left the office. I had to go the pub since I promised Blake's that I would come. On the way to the pub I was thinking of how to speak to Twinkle. How to approach her and convince her to comeback.

I know there is no need for me to beg or anything, because she's just so innocent that she gives up and comes back with me. But also I doubt whether she would comeback. As the reason she left was because we threw her out. We means my mother and Sherly. She may have been changed and doesn't want to come with me.

As soon as I entered I walked towards the VIP section. I didn't want anyone to guide me, as I have been here many times before. Once I reached the VIP section, I noticed the Blake's in deep discussion. I took seat next to Stanley, the eldest of the brothers and also the ceo of the Blake industries.

I turned my head to see a girl walking towards us. It was quite difficult to see who it was because of the lights. Her figure looked familiar. The more she walked towards us, the more clear it was to see her. When she approached us I was surprised to see her again. It was Twinkle. She was holding a tray of drinks. What the hell is she doing here? Oh my God! She is waitress!!

She approached our table to place the drinks. Her eyes were fixed on the tray. She lifted her eyes and was shocked to see me. Her eyes were as wide as a saucer.

She placed the tray on the table and turned to leave. I held her hand to stop her from leaving. She started struggling to remove my hold on her hand.

One of the Blake noticed this,
"Andrew! What are you doing? Do you like that chick? She looks so innocent, not suitable for you. You like is hard man. I think she can fill my needs. What do you say babes? " he asked smirking at me. He also winked at Twinkle.

How dare he talk about her like that. I left Twinkle's hand, she ran out immediately. I got up to go after her but he stopped me again.
"Come-on man! Girls should run behind you. It's not you running behind them."

I was controlling my anger. I didn't want to create a scene here. I left the room to go search her. I saw her going towards the drink section. She looked so terrified. I reached her before she runs away from me again. I pulled her forcefully towards me. I held her tiny body in my arms. She was struggling to get out of my hold but I didn't let her.
"Twinkle just listen to me for once, stop struggling!" I said her. She kept on struggling.

"Please leave me! Please! Please..!" she started begging me. I released my hold on her. She took this as a opportunity and ran in the opposite direction. I started following her but got interrupted by Blake's.
"Since this deal is final! How about we drink together and enjoy? Come-on man your no fun." one of the Blake said. The same one who commented about Twinkle.

"No I'm fine. You please carry on. I have some work to catch-up. " saying I turned to see Twinkle.

"Nothing doing. You're coming with us and that's final." before this deal, I and Tony Blake were school friends. Not best but close friends. Actually I got this deal because of his support. But today he was getting on my nerves.

I should getover with this party or else I will not be able to meet Twinkle. Sighing! We went back to the VIP section. They ordered for drinks again. This time again Twinkle bought them. She started serving them. Tony being a manwhore started flirting with her. I couldn't take it. She tried escaping but he didn't give her any chance.

I wanted to kill him but I controlled myself. I can't let them know that Twinkle is my wife. Before Twinkle entering my life even I was like Tony. Now if I stop them they will ask me for reason, which I will not be able to answer. I stood up immediately to leave the room for awhile until she is gone from this room.
"I just got a call! I will be back in few." before exiting I saw Twinkle trying to escape. She held my eyes, her eyes were pleading me to help. She looked so helpless. She was asking me to save her from them. She should have thought about this before joining the before. It's so common.

God what am I even talking. I should support her, but I'm doing the opposite. I can't take this anymore. I left the room.


Andrew was leaving the room. He didn't even care about my feelings. I literally begged him with my eyes. Couldn't he see the pain in my eyes. Once he left things got worst.

This boy whose name I don't even know started to creep me out. He started pulling on to his lap which he was successful in doing. He started touching me. I couldn't take it anymore so I took the drink from his hand and poured it on his head.

"What the hell did you do! Who do you think you are. Wait and watch what I will do." I got scared. I didn't want to create a scene. But he was touching me which I was totally against.

"Sir I'm sorry, but it was you who was touching me. I had to stop you."

"Don't you dare utter a word. Where is your manager. MANAGER! MANAGER! " he started calling my manager.

My manager came running inside.
"Yes sir! Is there any problem?" my manager asked the jerk.

"This Bitch over here, poured the drink on me. You better remove her or I will sue this place." that jerk said pointing towards me.

My manager turned towards me. His eyes were blazing with anger.
"Sir but he.. " my manager cut me off before I complete.

"YOU ARE FIRED." tears automatically brimmed in my eyes.

"Sir please sir! I will ask sorry. I will never repeat this again." I begged. But he didn't give ear to my words.

"Sorry sir. I will immediately send someone to clean this mess. You please come with me, I will arrange something." telling my manager left the room with the Jerk. That jerk groaned and left.

At the same time Andrew entered the room smirking. So this was all his plan. I lost my job. I left the room crying. I changed my dress and took the pay check for my work and left the place. Only one thing was running in my mind now, what if Andrew comes back to the hotel and do some hungama there. I can't let that happen.

Once I met him, I'm already thrown out of my job. I didn't want the same thing to repeat in the hotel too. I must leave this place as soon as possible. I should go away before something more worse than this happen. If he can fire me from my previous job, he can do the same to me in the hotel.

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