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He knows were I stay. He will surely comeback to torture me. He doesn't want me to live in peace. He should have helped me in the bar but he didn't. He left me to suffer with my problems.

In front of him one idiot was touching me and he didn't react. He will go to any extent to make my life a living hell. If I stay in the hotel I might put Mia and Enoc's hotel into trouble. When I was leaving the room he entered smirking. Which means it's all his plan. He wanted me fired.

I don't want Mia or Enoc to remove me from the job dissapointed with me. They were like my grandparents. I never want them to get upset with me, so I have to leave the hotel before Andrew plays one of his tricks.

Andrew I'm not in your life anymore. I won't disturb you. Why can't you just let me be? I'm learning to live happily. Why can't my life go on without any drama.

Once I reached the hotel, I started to clean the vessels. Everyday after coming back from pub, I would clean the vessels and sleep. Today there is a change in my work. I would clean the vessels and leave this hotel telling this place goodbye.

Yes! I decided to move out. Once cleaning was done, I packed my bag. There weren't much clothes to pack. I counted the money which I earned. I could rent a place to stay with this money but can't start studying. I will have to earn more money to go to school.

I went to Mia's and Enoc's room. They both were sleeping peacefully. I sat beside their bed and stared at them for awhile. This will be the last time, I will be seeing them. I took their hands in mine and took there blessings. I kissed there palms and said a silent final goodbye and left the hotel.

I had written a letter to them, telling I love them so much. Once I came out of the hotel, the world seemed new to me. It was scaring me. I barely have money, don't know were to go. I kept walking to God knows were.

After few blocks, I saw someone running. Few boys were following a girl. I should save her. I ran in there direction. I lost sight out of them. There were two paths. One towards the north and other south. I didn't know which side they ran.

"God please show some clue. I have to help her before anything happens to her." For the first time God listened to me and he showed me the way. I found a bracelet which was in the south direction. This might be that girls or maynot be. I wanted to believe this is hers. I ran in that direction. It was difficult to run with a bag in your hands.

My stomach started hurting. My legs hurt. I couldn't run anymore. I was feeling light headed. Everything was becoming blur. The pain in my stomach increased.

"God what is happening to me. God please be with me. I need to help her." I ran again ignoring the pain in my stomach.

I saw someone forcing themself on a girl. They were a group of boys watching it. Realization hit me. They were the same people whom I'm searching. That girl was screaming for help. I found a rod by a tree. It's not big but I think I could do some help.

I slowly moved towards them and striked towards one guys head. He immediately fell with the impact. The remaining two boys turned to see what happened. The boy who was forcing the girl also turned towards me. Without wasting another minute I striked it towards one more guys head. He also fell with a tud. I turned to look at the girl.

I was shocked seeing who it was. It's my sister-in-law, Sherly. She was crying. I checked for any sign of hurt but luckily they weren't any, other than a bruise on her cheek.

The remaining two boys ran towards me. I bet one on the leg which made him lose his balance. I kneed the other one where the sun doesn't shine. Once they all were struggling to get up, I went towards Sherly.

"Sherly look at me. Sherly talk to me. Please stop crying. I will never let anything happen to you. See your safe now." I tried consoling her.

She lifted her eyes to see who helped her. "Twinkle! Twinkle! " she started crying again. She hugged me tightly. This was the first time she hugged me.

"It's OK your safe now. Come-on get up. We have to leave before they get back to us." I rubbed her back to make her stop crying.

"Twinkle you saved me. Twinkle thank.. " she stopped and screamed all of sudden.

I felt someone hit me on my head. I fell down. It pained like hell. I couldn't open my eyes. The jerk who was screwing Sherly was the one who had hit me. My vision became blur. I couldn't stay awake. He started kicking me. He dragged me by my hair and slapped me. He pushed me with such a force that I hit my forehead on the wall, which made me loose balance and fell face flat on the ground.

He went back to Sherly. Sherly got scared. She fell unconscious. I have to stay awake. I have to save her. His concentration was focused on Sherly. I tried standing but failed badly. I searched for something which could save us. I found the same rod I hit others. I took it and went behind him. I hit on his head with a great force.

He fell down unconscious. I went towards Sherly, I tried waking her up but it was of no use. I couldn't stay awake, my energy was draining out. I remembered noticing a hospital while running. I should take Sherly there. I stood and pulled her up.

I struggled to walk holding her. I placed her hand on my shoulder. I made my way towards the hospital. Once I reached the hospital I couldn't stand anymore. I immediately called for a doctor from the entrance itself. Some nurse came to help and took Sherly from me.
"Please help her. Take care of her." saying I fell down. I became unconscious. The last thing I remember before falling unconscious is a nurse calling emergency. My life came falling down. I was happy that I saved my sister-in-law.

In search of love ✔️ (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora