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It's been three weeks since Twinkle's family had visited us regarding Twinkle. I became addicted to alcohol. I was ashamed of myself. I was not in contact with anyone from my family. I tried working, but I was not able to concentrate.

The only thing which kept me alive is alcohol. Though it's killing me slowly, I find peace in it. I have asked my investigators to search for Twinkle. I have even checked whether she had gone out of this country. But no, there weren't any records about her leaving this country.

I keep staring at her picture. She looked so beautiful in the bridal gown. How couldn't I see that she was so innocent. She didn't know what was happening in her life. My Twinkle has gone through so much. And I didn't make her life any easy. I don't know where is she? How is she? Did she eat?  drink? Is she alive?

This thought itself scared me. Yes my Twinkle is alive. She can't leave me and go. She loves me so much. Mom,  sis tried contacting me. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I'm not able forgive myself for what I have done to her. If I meet them I'm sure I will do something which I will regret later.

Today I'm going to Twinkle's house. I wanted to see her room. I want to know the life she lead. I want to know everything about her. I called Tina to ask her, if she could take her parents to her house for awhile. I wanted to be alone in that house. I wanted to feel Twinkle's presence. She agreed to take her parents. So only Twinkle's grandpa will be at home.

Since he is unwell they can't take him with them. I left the house around 12. By the time I reached it was 1pm. Lucas, Twinkle's grandfather opened the door. He smiled at me but it didn't reach his eyes. I didn't even try smiling. He guided me inside.

"How are you Son? " Lucas asked.

"I'm fine. How are you? " I asked him.

"Not good son. I was good when Twinkle was with me. But now there isn't anyone to take care of me. She use to talk to me, spend time with me. But now, I don't have her with me. She was like medicine to keep me active and young." Lucas said.

"Please don't stop. I want to know more about her. How was she when she was small? How was her life? Please tell me everything? " I asked him.

"Son I don't know much about her. I missed so many years of her. She barely had time to spend. But when she had she use to spend it with me. Her father was not allowed to speak to her. Her sister didn't bother that she has a sister. And Jade, she only saw Twinkle as a servant. Actually worse than a servant.

She had gone through a horrible life here. She finds happiness in small things. Like when we like what she prepared or when we allow her to enjoy for awhile. She use to go the library. That's the only fun she had. She wasn't taken to any family tour or anything. She had to stay back home.

She always wanted to go to school. One day she even wore Tina's uniform and had gone to school. Jade got to know about this and she grounded Twinkle. She wasn't given anything to eat. She was made to sleep outside the room on the floor. In her own house she had grown up like a servant. She had to be the princess of this house.

When Richard bought her home. She had two pigtails and was wearing a cute little pink frock. She was hugging the teddy bear as if her life depended on that. When she saw us she smiled at us. I saw that smile on her face on your marriage. She thought she could get a better life now. She was not been loved by anyone. Though I and Richard love her. We never expressed it. She was in search of love. She thought you will love her.

But, I'm sorry to say this. You broke her heart! We lost our baby girl because of you. She is really innocent Andrew. Why didn't you see it? Why did you leave her? " he had tears in his eyes now.

I didn't reply anything to what he said. I couldn't reply. I left him in the hall itself. I went to Twinkle's room. Her room looked so plane. One cot and few books. Other than that nothing. No photo frames, no makeup kits, no dresses. Nothing, it's nothing like a girls room. There was one photo next to her bed. It was picture of her mother hugging her.

She looked so pretty in the picture. She was smiling at something. Her mother was seeing her daughter smiling. Twinkle was wearing a red frock. She had a teddy bear in her hands. Looks like this is the teddy bear Lucas said. Maybe she loves it so much.

I spent few more hours in her room dreaming about her. She had books neatly arranged at one corner. I found a diary when I was seeing her books.
The title of the dairy was' My dreams'.

1. I want to fly like a bird.
2. I want to swim like a fish.
3. I want to decorate a Christmas tree.
4. I want to be in a place filled with candles surrounding me.
5. I want a princess wedding. My husband dressed in tux and waiting for me on the stage. Me dressed up in a princess gown. My mom always use to tell me that my husband will come and sweep me off all my problems. He will love me. I want him to kiss the life out of me.
6. I want to go to beach.
7. I want to go to a fair with my husband. I want to sit on the Ferris wheel and take a selfie with my husband.
8. I want to eat ice-cream with my husband in a single cup.
9. I want to name my daughter as Rachelle.
10. Steal something from a mall.
11. Eat lot of cupcakes.
12. Cuddle with my husband without the care of the world.
13. Get a piggyback ride from my husband.
14. My husband should carry me from the door to the room.
15. Have a moonlight dinner with my husband.

Half of her dreams where about spending time with me. She wanted a prince charming to come and sweep her off her problems. But me, I put her into problems.

Twinkle when I find you, I promise. I will fulfill all your dreams. I will treat you like a princess. You deserve this world Twinkle. I will give the best life. I will give you the love you never got. My angle! My Twinkle! Come back to me baby. I'm sorry!

Later I went back to my penthouse. I opened my marriage album. I began seeing all her pictures. My room was filled with her pictures. I even got a picture of us both framed and placed on the wall direct to the bed. As soon as I wake up everyday, that will be the first thing I would see.

I brought few of her things with me. I even bought the picture of her and her mom. I even found few of her childhood pics. She looked so free. In one of the pics she was dressed like a princess. She was having lollipop in her mouth.

When I was going through some more pics I got a call from my investigator. I thought he got to know where Twinkle was, but he said he couldn't find her anywhere. Twinkle! My love!  Where are you?

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