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It was 9am. Twinkle has not come out of her room yet. I was worried and getting scared now. I banged on her door but she didn't open.

"Ethan! Sam! Come down fast! "I called my sons.
Both came down running.

"Maa! What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Sam asked.

"Sam, Twinkle has not opened the door yet. I'm calling her from past two hours. I'm getting scared now." I told him.

"Shit! I shouldn't have said that yesterday. This is all happening because of me. I shouldn't have left her alone. " Ethan said.

They both tried unlocking the lock, but it wasn't working. Finally they both breaked the door. We entered the room. Her room was empty. Twinkle was nowhere to be found.

"Twinkle! Twinkle! Where are you baby? " I called her. I checked in the washroom, but she wasn't there. She was not there even in the balcony. I was tensed now. Where has she gone? I checked her closet. Some of her clothes where not there.

"Sam! Ethan! " I screamed.

"Maa! Did you find her?" Ethan asked.

"Look here. She has left us. Ethan! Sam! I want my baby back. Do something." I started crying. I can't be without her. She has become my life now. " They both hugged me tightly.

"Maa don't worry. We will find her. Maa, please stop crying." Sam said. They both looked pained. Even they love her so much.

We found a letter on the lamp table. I couldnt read it. I don't want to believe what's there in that letter. Ethan took the letter from my hand and read it.

"Maa, I love you!.....
......" we all were beyond shocked now. Which means she has left us. She has ran away. What shocked us even more  is that Twinkle is married and also pregnant. But that doesn't change the love we have for her. She will always be my daughter.

Ethan stormed out of the room. Even Samuel left the room angrily. I hope we find Twinkle back. Baby girl come back to me. I'm not angry on you. I will be with you. Your maa loves you so much. I hugged her photo and cried out loud.

Two weeks later

We still couldn't find Twinkle. Ethan started drinking. He became a devil. And Samuel he barely comes home. This home is not like a home anymore. No one is happy. Twinkle's disappearance has taken a toll on us. She was the breath of this house. The one month what she spent here had changed our lives for good.

Samuel had become responsible and caring. Ethan had stopped his playboy acts. But now everything is changed. She took away the happiness of this house with her.

Ethan is totally spoiled now. Everyday he comes home drunk. He barely comes out of his room. He keeps crying. I didn't know he loved her so much. I can't let him go on like this. I have to do something. I want him to settle down. Only way I can change him is by getting him engaged.

So I called Katherine. She had come home the next day Twinkle left us. When she had come, she asked about Twinkle. When she came to know that Twinkle left us, she was devastated. I don't know why. Later she didn't contact me. Maybe even she likes Twinkle. Maybe she wanted to meet her, since she couldn't speak to her properly. Twinkle is a charm. Anyone will get attracted to her. Her innocence, her beauty, her caring nature. Everything about her is beautiful. She is really a precious angel. I remember Katherine telling she is searching for a groom for her daughter.

If she agrees, I would like Ethan to get married to Sherly. Maybe this marriage would turn him for good. I heard that Sherly was attacked and she was suffering with it it's memory. So this will change her life also for good. I know Ethan will take care of her. After calling for few more times, she picked the call.

" Hello Nina! "

"Hello Katherine! What a surprise? Is there is anything wrong? " she asked.
She knows me so well.

"Yes Nina. I want to ask you something. I don't know whether to ask it or not, but I want to ask."

"Sure Katherine, there is nothing for you to worry. You know you can ask or tell me anything. What are friends for? " OK I have to do this. I have to ask her. If not now, it's never.

"Nina, I.. I..  I want your daughter to get married to my son." That's it I finally asked.

"What!! But why? Why all of a sudden? Is anything wrong?" I should tell her everything.

"Nina, from the time Twinkle left he has been troubling himself. He is not like the Ethan I know anymore. So I want him to get married and settled down. I know your daughter is also feeling very low after the attack. Maybe this will change both of there lives." Common Nina think of it.

"Katherine, what you're telling is correct. But I will have to ask Sherly about it first. I can't force her to get married."

"Sure Nina. Please ask her and get to me as soon as possible."

"Sure Katherine. Bye! "

"Bye! " I hope Sherly agrees to this marriage. Now I have to convince Ethan to get married.

To talk about Samuel, I don't know what he is feeling. He never showed his feelings. He always hides them. When Twinkle was with us, he had opened up. But now he has become a closed book. Only if he opens up I can help him.

I got up to go to Ethan's room.


I couldn't believe Twinkle left me. I loved her so much. She leaving me was like my heart been removed from my body. I'm breathing but not living. I'm dead when she left me.

I didn't know she was pregnant and married. But I don't care about that. I don't care about her background. I don't care why her husband left her. I only care about her. If she had told me earlier I would have accepted the baby also. I want Twinkle. Everything what is mine is hers and everything what is hers is mine. Which means her baby is mine. I couldn't forget her.

She is like a drug. Once addicted, to get rid of it very difficult. But she is a beautiful drug. Why did you leave me Twinkle? Why? You should have said me about the baby Twinkle. Your baby is my baby. Our baby.

I tried forgetting about her by drinking. I searched for her everyday, everywhere. But I couldn't find her. Everyone at home misses her. Mom is depressed.

The door to my room opened, mom entered.

"Ethan can I talk to you for a minute." she asked. She has been hurting more than us. She always wanted a daughter. And Twinkle was more than just a daughter to her. And I became a useless person and I'm hurting her more. I have become completely wasted.

"Yes mom!"

"Ethan I can't see you spoiling your life like this. Even Twinkle doesn't want to see you like this. Don't you remember, she said she want to see you successful. So I have decided something for you." mom said. OK this is something serious now.

"Mom, just tell me why you are here and leave." I know I shouldn't have spoke like that. But, just the name of Twinkle hurts me.

"Ethan, I want you to get engaged. I want you to marry Sherly. The only way you change is by getting married to her. You have to stop all this and start doing something useful." mom said. I was shocked to see mom planning my marriage.

I never thought about getting married before. And that too to Sherly. Sherly and I were classmates. We both where best friends. But after graduating she became busy and even I started enjoying my life. Sleeping around and doing nothing useful. I use to like her and I know even she likes me.

But after Twinkle, I don't know whether I will able to love someone. But what mom said is right. I have to become successful. I have to do it for Twinkle. I want her to be happy seeing me successful. For this if I have to get married. Well and good, I will do it.

"OK mom. I will get married! " I declared. She was so happy. I saw her smile today finally. I will do it for you mom. For Twinkle's happiness.

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