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The next morning when I had gone to wake Twinkle, I didn't find her on the bed. I searched for her everywhere, but she was nowhere. Maybe she has gone for a walk. I waited for a hour but she didn't return.

I went back to my room and woke Eros up.
"Eros, wake up. Twinkle is nowhere to be found. I have searched but I can't find her." he got up from the bed with Lightening speed.

Eros is a heavy sleeper. I have to do a mini circus everyday to wake him up. But today he got up just at the mention of her name. By this I can tell how much he loves his sister.

"Tina! Did you check properly. Maybe she has gone for a walk or something."

"No Eros! She should've been back by now, if she had gone for a walk. I'm getting worried now."

"OK first I want you to check in her room again. I will Search for her outside." I nodded and ran back to the room. This time I noticed a letter on the table.

"EROS!!!! " he came running to the way I screamed.

"What happened? Why did you scream? " my hands were shaking. I gave him the letter. I know what it would be.

"What is this now? " he asked. I was not able to answer him. He sighed and started to read the letter.

Once he finished reading it we both were shocked. Twinkle left. Where is she? She should have discussed with us, if she didn't want us to tell mom and dad about her. She shouldn't have ranaway.

Is she is any trouble now? God please save her. I started crying. I couldn't take it. Even Eros brokedown. I decided that I should meet my parents today.
"Eros, we are meeting my parents today. They have to know about the mistake they have done. I can't let my mom go with what she did to Twinkle." I said to Eros.

"Sure baby! Get ready."

After getting ready we drove to my parents house. I was more than furious now. I was scared to meet them before but now nothing. Only hatred is filled in me. Once we reached, I immediately got down and ran to the door without waiting for Eros. I banged the door continuously.

"Who the hell are y.." my mom was cut off guard to see me. Eros came and stood next to me.

"Hello mom! Can I come inside? I need to talk to you." she nodded and led us inside. She kept throwing daggers at Eros. She was literally killing him with her eyes. If looks could kill, Eros would have been dead by now.

"What did you want to talk? And how dare you bring him with you? " she asked.

"I will tell you, but first call Dad and grandpa." she called them.
Both came down. They both looked happy to see me.

I ran to my Dad and hugged him. Later I hugged my grandpa.
"How are you doing Tina? Why did you leave us baby? "my Dad asked.

"Dad why don't we sit and talk." I suggested. Everyone sat on the sofa.

"Dad meet Eros, my husband! Eros you already know them." they shakes hands with each other.

"Cut the crap and come to the point. Why are you here? " my mom asked.

"Before I answer that question, where is Twinkle?" this time no one answered.

My dad started to talk but I stopped him, "Mom why don't you tell me, where is she! "

"She is married to Andrew. That bitch is living a princess life. I wanted you to live like a princess but you spoiled it. You ranaway with this idiot." she said.

"Did you speak to her after the marriage? Did you tried finding out how she is? And by the way Eros is my husband and I can't take it, if you speak about him like that." she stood up to slap me but Eros was fast enough to stop her.

"How dare you speak to me like that? This idiot here has changed you. And why the hell should we contact her. Isn't it obvious that she is living a royal life." my mom said.

"Dad! Twinkle was thrown out of the house. She was tortured. She is not in that house anymore." I started crying. This time everyone were stunned to hear it.

"What are you telling Tina? Why will they throw her out? They agreed to this marriage. Everyone liked her. Even Andrew accepted to marry her."I couldn't stop crying. It was really difficult to talk.

"Someone had said something about her to them. They loath her Dad. She had gone through so much." I said to him. My grandpa couldn't take all of this. He also brokedown. My mom looked terrified now.

"Who is that Tina? Do you know that person? " my dad asked.

"Mom care to tell who is that? No one else will no what happened other than you. " I asked my mom.

"Tina, why are you asking Jade? How will she know? Just tell it. " my Dad asked.

"Dad because mom was the one who said things about Twinkle to them. She corrupted there brains against her. She couldn't see Twinkle happy. She was the reason for Twinkle being on roads." I said.

"Is it true Jade. Whatever Tina said, is it true? Tina how do you know it is your mother? Who said you? " my dad asked.

My mom just lowered her head. My Dad understood that it's her mistake now. That she is the one who told Lockwood about Twinkle.

"Dad Twinkle was with me yesterday. When I was coming out from hospital after meeting Eros's friend, she ran into me. She was in hospital." I said him.

"Is my baby safe? Tell me everything what happened! "

"Dad....." I explained everything what Twinkle had told me.

"Tina take me to her. I have to apologize to her. I want to see her." my dad exclaimed.

I just stood there without moving.
"Tina, I will beg her to forgive me. Please take us to her. Eros please at least you take us to her." this time it was my mom who spoke. She begged. Wow! First time I'm seeing her so helpless. Grandpa also was pleading me. He was not able to speak.

"Dad! Twinkle is not with me anymore. She got scared about meeting you people. She left this letter. She doesn't want you people to hate her. She left dad! She left. I couldn't help her." I started crying again. This time even mom cried with me. Everyone missed her.

Dad was about to go somewhere, but I stopped him.
"Where are you going? "

"To meet the Lockwood's. How could they do this to her? " my dad was angry and also depressed.

"Even I'm coming with you, I have to talk to them. I have to tell them, it was all lie. Whatever I said about Twinkle was lie. She a beautiful, innocent girl. And that she is my daughter."
Everyone left to go meet the Lockwood's. We have to search Twinkle before its too late. My mother was ready to apologize for her mistake. I wish Twinkle didnt runaway. She would have been happy to know that mom accepted her, as her daughter.

Twinkle, sis! Please comeback. Your family is there for you. Baby we love you. Eros was driving us to Lockwood's house. Now I have to face Andrew. How could he do this to her?

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