At this point I had no idea what else to say,"I need to go home Adonis."

"I can walk you home!" Adonis said with eagerness in his voice.

"It's really okay. I have some things to think about."

I should've known that Adonis wouldn't take no for an answer no matter what I said, "It's dangerous out here alone. There are some bad people in Lost Hills."

The irony in his statement made it hard not to laugh, "Oh really? And you think you'll protect me?" I'm sure the humor in my voice was apparent.

He suddenly grabbed my face and tilted my chin up to face him, "I would never let anything happen to you. I promise I will protect you with every last part of me."

I almost felt myself give in. He sounded so sure, and being so close to him gave me a sense of safety that I haven't felt in a long time. I wanted to believe him, but in reality there is no one in this world who can truly protect me.

Instead of responding to his kind words with something appropriate I resorted back to my sarcasm, "That's cute, but I prefer personal space." I yanked my face out of his grasp and started to walk.

"So you really don't feel anything for me?" Adonis asked unexpectedly.

"No I don't. Why would I?" I asked him as I started to skip.

"There's so much you don't know Megan," Adonis mumbled under his breath as he jogged to catch up to me.

"Like what? Educate me Adonis," I said in all seriousness.

I continued to stare at the ground as I tried to tap into his mind. I had a pretty hard time listening to his thoughts. I couldn't make out a single thing.

"What are you doing!?" Adonis asked aggressively as he grabbed his temple.

My face grew red. I had no idea what to say.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me Megan. I just got the worst pain in my head. I know it's not your fault."

"No worries," I replied relieved as ever. I guess I can't do that again.

We walked for about 15 minutes making small talk. I couldn't remember exactly where I lived but I think I was walking in the right direction.

I stopped completely unsure of where we were.

"You don't know where you're going, do you?" Adonis asked on the brink of laughter.

"Well I knew where we were going, but I'm not sure anymore."

"So what you're saying is you're lost?" Adonis asked me. "Well what's your address?"

"I'm not lost, but I don't remember my address."

For some reason this situation made him laugh uncontrollably. I'd be lying to say he didn't look extremely attractive. He threw his head back and continued to laugh unable to talk. His shirt revealed part of his stomach in response to his chest moving up and down. I've never seen someone with a nicer body. I wanted to reach out and touch his waist, but I controlled myself before a fantasy became a reality. I swear the Gods must've hand carved him because there wasn't one part of him that wasn't perfect.

"I think this is the first time I've caught you staring at me," Adonis said obviously very pleased with himself.

I rolled my eyes at him, and continued to walk aimlessly.

Eye of the Wolf, Touch of the WitchWhere stories live. Discover now