"Sure, Star. I-I will get cleaned up and join you for breakfast." He accepted the invitation.

Star smiled cutely and leaned in, kissing Marco on the cheek. "I can't live without you." She declared in a whisper.

Marco leaned back after the kiss with a blush on his face, and his heart started to pound quickly in his chest. Star gave him a small wave as she began to run down the hallway, leaving him to do as he said he was going to.

Marco hung his head low as he left his room and dragged his feet to the bath area with his spare clothes. He didn't feel or smell too good at the moment, but the reality was that he didn't care at all about such things at this present time.

"Why do I feel so weird? Why did I lock myself in my room? I feel like something is missing..." His thoughts repeated themselves in his head.

Even as Marco sat in the giant bath chamber alone, he could do naught but stare at the hot flowing water that he sat in.

"The warmth of the water..." He said aloud as he ran his hands through it.

"Who would be cold?" Marco said to himself as he listened to the faint voice in his head.

There was no answer to his question, but he lingered on it for the rest of his time in the bath.

Eventually, he pulled himself from the spa and redressed into his fresh, clean clothes. Perhaps his depression was a sign for him to visit home?

Maybe being here had made him homesick? He felt as though maybe Star was onto something about his hoodie; perhaps he should just get another one from his house and try to let things return to normal.

With a slight bit more resolve, Marco marched down the hallway to the dining area where Star waited for him with a sumptuous breakfast already on display. Her mother and father were not present, and it looked as if it were just going to be him and Star.

"Thanks for having breakfast put out while I was cleaning up." Marco thanked her politely and tried his hardest to be enthusiastic about it.

"Ohhhh it's no problem, Marco!" Star beamed as she took a seat directly across from him so that they could see each other while they ate and talked.

Marco began eating slowly at first, but as the minutes piled on, he realized just how hungry he was. Had he really not eaten for days? He was not sure at all but wagered a guess that that was the case.

Star leaned forward while he ate and seemed enamored and lovestruck with him. "I am so happy you came out of your room. I was about to blast through with my wand if you didn't come out soon."

Marco gave her a weak smile and wiped his mouth off with a napkin. "I really don't know what came over me Star... I think maybe you are right about my hoodie... I think maybe I just need to visit home, see my family, and get a new hoodie so I can feel right again."

Star smiled happily, hearing that he had a plan to return things to the way they used to be. "Well if that is what you need, I will let you do that today, but maybe after you have returned, we can go out and have a lovely dinner together."

Marco thought about it and smiled, but before he could answer her, he felt the strange need to ask her something. "Won't Tom be... well, you know... upset?"

Star immediately frowned, and seemed somewhat surprised that Marco had said what he did. "Tom? Who cares about Tom? He is not even nearly as close to me as you are."

Marco stopped his smile and stared at her while she flattered him. Her words felt normal to him, but his faint recollection of her previous behavior caused the statement to strike him as odd.

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