Chapter 55

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A/N: This is the last chapter of Hidden Riches! It's really long so feel free to take a break when you see the stars! Enjoy!:)

I took a deep breath, then exhaled. My heart was pounding. Today was the day that I'll become the wife of Logan Python, the most amazing man in the world. 

This feeling in my heart was full of excitement and fear. In the movies, wedding scenes were so happy and joyful. But, they could also be scary. Some people can have second thoughts and even cold feet. When that happens, everyone would be devastated, especially the person who is left standing at the isle. 

I must say that, leaving someone at the isle is the most cruel thing you could do. A ring was bought, you said yes, the wedding was planned, you picked a dress... but when it came to becoming fully committed... you couldn't do it. To me, that is unforgivable to say the least. I couldn't imagine myself doing that too Logan. I loved him to much too shatter him like that. That's why today... I am going to walk down this isle and tell him how much I love him. 

I stood there, waiting for the music to play. The pounding in my heart was increasing. Suddenly, my father came and stood by my side. "I can't believe it, sweet pea. You're getting married."

"Yeah, I am." I said, looking down at the white bouquet of roses that I held in my hands. 

"Honey, this may not be the time for this, but your mother and I are sorry. You have to understand that we were worried about your safety. You can understand that can't you?"

"Yes," I said, not looking at him. "I do understand, but choosing not to come to my wedding because of that was cruel. You two really hurt me when you refused to come, Dad."

"I know, sweet pea. That's why we changed our minds. Regardless of how we feel, you are our only daughter and we want to see you happy. We have always been there for you, Bunny, even though you didn't contact us for 3 years. We still cared and we still missed you. No matter what decisions you make, we'll be there to help. But, in a few seconds, I'll be handing you to Logan. Do you think he'll be okay with taking our job?" He asked me with a smile on his face. 

My eyes had begun to water, but I must not cry yet. "Yeah," I nodded. "Thanks, Dad. Thanks a lot."

"I love you so much, Hannah."

"I-I love you too, Dad."

At that moment, the music began to play. My dad took my hand and held it tight. He smiled down at me and I smiled back. Then, we took our first steps into the outside and into the meadow. It quickly took my breath away. Everyone was standing, staring at me, with smiles on their faces. I wanted to put my head down and look away, but I didn't. 

Then, I saw him. He was staring at me... looking absolutely speechless. Logan looked so gorgeous in his tuxedo. His beautiful blonde hair was combed back showing off his gorgeous sea colored eyes which were looking directly at me. We began to get closer to him, slower and slower. The anticipation was killing me. Would it be so wrong to let go of my fathers hand and run into Logan's arms? 

As we got closer to Logan, my pounding heart began to slow. Because... I knew I would be taken care of. Logan has always taken care of me and he always will. As my father and I now stood before him, Logan looked at nothing but me. 

"Take good care of her, Logan. Or I'll have to kill you." My father said as he placed my hand in Logan's. 

"I will. I promise." He said, giving me one of his signature smiles. 

As my father walked away, Logan took both my hands in his and the music stopped. 

As the officiant began to speak, I looked at nothing but Logan. He was all I could see, all I could think about. I suddenly realized that all my fear and worries had gone away. This definitely what I wanted. I wanted to be with Logan forever and ever. 

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