Chapter 31

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Hannah POV

I shivered as the wind whipped my hair into my face. In my hands were two large bags of groceries. I walked up the icy stairs to Violet's house, trying not to slip. I gave two knocks on the door. In two second the door swung open.

Violet stood there. She was in a giant fur sweater and sweatpants. I was wearing the exact same thing. She held the door open for me, I walked in. "Thanks," I said. She closed the door shut behind me and locked it.

"It's freezing out there. You would've gotten frostbite if I didn't up to the door." She sat down on the couch and began to flip through the channels on the television.

I slipped off my coat and hung it on the rack. I took off my boots and placed them neatly in the corner.

"Did he call you yet?' Violet asked, her eyes glued to the screen.

"Yes. He's coming to pick me up at eight." I took the groceries into the kitchen and dropped them onto the table. Violet came in a few seconds later, pulling her hair into a ponytail. "Do you really have to leave Hannah? Who's gonna do my shopping for me?"

"You are," I said, pulling milk and cereal boxes from their bags. "And yes I do have to go, Violet. Logan's mansion is my home. I have to go back."

"OR you could stay here with me until he gets things settled with his parents."

"So you want me to stay here forever? Thanks, but no." I closed the fridge shut after putting all the food away.

"I don't think I'm getting into your head, Hannah. I'm your best friend okay? I'm just saying I'm going to miss you."

"Violet, there's no reason to miss me. I'll come and visit you all the time. This is my second home. I was here for a while and I can't just let that go."

"Aww, how sweet. A girl like you lived with a girl like me and you survived. I'm getting softer I tell ya!'

"No, you're just realizing how good it feels to be nice."

"Nah, I'm still a bitch. Anyway, let's have spaghetti tonight!"

"Can you make spaghetti?"

"No, but I assume you can." She winked. "Make my dinner, friend."

"You're helping me. It's a lot of work."

"Fine." She sighed.

As I was shaping the meat into perfect spheres, Violet stared at the noodle water, waiting for it to boil.

"Hannah, can I ask you something?"


"When are you are Logan gonna fuck?"

I died right there. Before my soul could escape, I grabbed her and shoved her back down my throat.

"WHAT?! Why would you bring that up?!" I yelled at her, my face the color of a tomato.

"I don't know, I'm just curious."

"Violet, Logan and I haven't been together for that long. I don't want to do it too early."

"Are you religious or something? You put a lot of value into your sex life."

"No, not really. I just don't want to fuck it up, okay?"

"You're supposed to get fucked up, not it."

I threw my head back and sighed. I pulled off my gloves and dropped them in the garbage.

"Do you want to have sex with Logan?" She asked, leaning on the stove.

"In the future."

"Oh. Do you think about it? You know, his body on top of yours, breathing heavily. Your nails digging so hard into his back, he'll have marks there the next morning. You'll moan his name so loud that your throat hurts like hell- but it already should've before that-"

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