Chapter 46

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It hurt... it hurt so much...

I could barely breathe. 

I was cold. 

I could heard a loud beeping in my ears. 

I knew where I was. 

The hospital. 

I slowly forced my eyelids open. 

Yes, I was in a plain white hospital room. I looked down at myself to discover that my body was injected with needles. My stomach was completely bandaged up. 

In the air was a faint smell of blood. That was my blood. 

In the corner of my eyes, I saw something move. 

I quickly turned to the side to see my fiance, sitting in a chair in the corner, staring at me. 

He was silent. All he did was stare. 

I wanted to call out his name, but I couldn't open my mouth. 

He gave me a smile, then slowly stood from his chair. He wasn't wearing the same clothes he was wearing before. Had the day changed? How long have I been out?

Slowly, he knelt down before the side of the bed and looked up at me. He took my hand in his. He kissed it softly. "Good morning, Bunny. You've been out for a while."

As I tried to speak, I choked on my words. "H-h-h...."

"Stop. Don't hurt yourself, Bunny. You need to relax."

As his hand rubbed mine, I realized one of them was completely bandaged. 

I slowly lifted my other hand and pointed to his bandaged one.

 "It's nothing, Bunny. I sprained it really bad that's all."

"How?" I croaked.

"Chloe's boyfriend and I got into a fight. He tried to run away and I couldn't let him do that..."

Chloe... the girl who shot me. The girl who was so jealous and angry with me that she thought I should die. 

"Where are th-they?" 

"Jail, at the moment. They'll be issued to prison in a few days."


"Yes. Apparently, her boyfriend is a drug dealer. His car was inspected and... yeah."

What the fuck? I couldn't wrap my head around this...

"That's why she was so nice to me." He said.


"Yes. She got herself high on drugs calm herself down. She didn't mean any of that bullshit. You were right, Bunny. I shouldn't have believed her..." His voice trailed off. He tore his eyes away from mine and looked down at the floor. I watched as his eyes began to water. His tears quickly began to spill down his face. 

At that moment, my heart tore in half. He's crying. Logan's crying. 

"This is all my fault," He sobbed. "If I wasn't such a fucking idiot this wouldn't have happened! I should've listened to you, Bunny! You were right this whole time! You always are..."

I wanted to hug him so badly, but I could not. I could barely move my body. Instead, I reached my hand out and placed it on his wet cheek. His turned his head and placed kisses down my wrist. It was sweet and warm. I smiled at his gesture. 

"Once you're better..." He looked up into my eyes and smiled. "We'll get married."

I nodded my head at him. My eyes started to water as well. He quickly got onto his feet again and leaned down. He lips pressed against mine. 

We kissed each other softly and sweetly. At that moment, I thought of our wedding day. The day Logan and I would finally be together... forever.

3 weeks later

Today was the day. 

I was going wedding dress shopping with my friends. I couldn't be more excited. In the dress I choose, I'll make a long lasting bond with Logan. 

"Ready?" Logan asked, swinging open the door to my bedroom. 

"Yep." I said and sprung up from my bed. "Let's go!" I ran down the stairs and out the house. Before the house was waiting a big black limo with my friends inside. 

"Slow down, Bunny! You'll hurt yourself!" Logan yelled.

Although I was almost done healing, Logan has been being extra careful. He watched me wherever I went, helped me down the stairs and even had a guard transport me to Violet's house while he was at work.

"Helloooooo!" Violet yelled, hopping out from the giant black limo. "Are you ready?!"

"Yes!" I yelled, jumping up in the air. 

"Are you really?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I screamed. 

"Hmmm. Was that good enough, Grace?" Violet asked, rubbing her chin.

"I think she's ready." Grace nodded.

"Then let's get going to the best place in the world!!" Violet yelled

"Have fun and be safe." Logan said, coming down the stairs toward us. 

"We will, Dad." Violet joked. 

"I'm going to go to work, okay? I'll see you when you get back." Logan said and leaned down to kiss my lips. "I love you."

"I love you too, Logan! See ya!" I said and hopped into the limo. Violet came in behind me. 

The chauffeur started the car and drove off. A limo full of guards armed with weapons went along with us as well. 

We headed to the mall to find the perfect dress.


Hello everyone! This chapter is short, I know!

There are only a few more chapters left! The wedding day is approaching!

Tell me what you think of this chapter!

Remember to vote and comment!

Sincerely, Heaven

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