Chapter 8

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Violet tossed a pancake into the air.

We were in the school kitchen. It was after school, so the cooking club let her use it. Logan was at basketball practice with Noah so I decided to hang out with Violet while I waited for him.

She noticed me watching her and looked up at me. She was so engrossed in cooking. I was surprised she didn't notice me earlier. "What?" She snapped.

"Nothing." I looked away. "Not to be rude or anything, but you don't seem like a girl who likes to cook. How come you make pancakes?" I asked.

"Because my boyfriend used to like them."

"You have a boyfriend?"

"I had one. He was an ass, so I chopped his dick off."

"For real?!" I stood. "Is he dead?!"

"No! I'd be in prison if I did that!" She laughed. "He wasn't that bad. He just wasn't good to me. He never really cared about what I had to say and he just stopped saying he loved me for some reason. I asked him what I was doing wrong, but he would just yell at me. He broke things off with me about a month after we got together. I was heartbroken so I trashed his car. He was my first boyfriend. He was the only guy to ever ask me out. I can be a little intimidating to guys, you know? I may never be asked out again."

"Don't be such as pessimist, Violet. Someone will ask you out. Be more hopeful." I said, taking a bite from my pancakes.

"What about you, huh? Do you have a boyfriend?" She asked, pouring more batter into the pan. It loudly sizzled. "Damn, this pan is hot! Shit!" She shook her hands. "Motherfucker!"

"I had a boyfriend." I said, staring at my almost empty plate. "He broke things off with me too."

"Really? Why?"

"Because I apparently wasn't enough." My eyes slowly filled with tears.

Don't cry, Hannah. Not in front of Violet. You can cry when you get home like you always do.

"Screw him." Violet shrugged. "His lost."

"What?" I looked up at her.

"I said screw him. Listen, Hannah. You will always be good enough. It's just that some people can't see that. That's what's wrong with people these days. Everyone either thinks they're too good or not good enough. It's hella frustrating. Don't worry about it though, Hannah. You have Logan."

"I guess so but-"

"Remember, he really cares about you. I can see it in his eyes. He will never tell you that you aren't good enough."

Of course he wouldn't. Logan is too kind. Too kind to a stranger like me for no reason at all.

After I finished eating pancakes with Violet, I went outside to Logan's car. He was leaning up against it, waiting for me. "Hey Bunny," he smiled at me.

"Hi Logan,"

I wanted to hurry up and get inside, but he was leaning up against the door. I waited for him to move, standing in front of him awkwardly.

"Did you have a good day?" He came toward me and pet my head.

"Mhm," I said. Him petting me felt good. Peyton had never done anything like this.

When he stopped, I made a noise and he chuckled.

"Let's hurry on home, Bunny. I'm starving."

We got into the car and he drove home. We ate sandwiches and french fries for dinner.

A movie was playing on the tv. I watched it. When I looked down at my fries, I realized a few were missing. I looked up at Logan. He had a fry sticking out of his mouth.


"Sorry. Your fries looked tastier than mine."

"We have the exact same fries!"

After dinner I lay on the couch with Logan, trying to sleep.

My phone suddenly rang.

"Who is it?" He groaned, being woken up from his sleep.

I picked up my phone. My heart beat immediately sped up. Peyton was calling. "Peyton." I said.

Why is he calling me? Should I answer it?

I sent it to voicemail and he called again. He continued to call for 10 minutes. Every time I was about to turn my phone off, he would call again and I would jump away.

Logan was gritting his teeth. His hands had balled into fists. I could see the veins in his neck. I was getting scared, so I started to move away. "Bunny, answer it." He growled.

"But Logan-"

"Bunny," he growled. "Answer it."

I answered it, not wanting to upset him any further. "H-hello?" I stuttered.

"Why haven't you been answering me, Kitty?! Are you fucking insane? Where the hell are you?! Come home right now! You expect me to pay these bills by myself?! Fuck you!" Peyton cursed at me. Peyton did curse at me when we were together, but not like this.

What has Julia done to him?

"I-" I was shaking with fear. I could barely speak.

"Come home this instant, Kitty-!" I couldn't hear him anymore because Logan had snatched my phone from me.

"Shut the hell up!" Logan seethed. "Listen up Penny, you're driving me fucking insane! I'm sick of you calling her god damn phone just so you can yell at her! Stop bothering her, you sick bastard! Fuck you and your stupid whore of a girlfriend! To believe someone could be so cruel to Bunny!" Logan was crushing my phone as he spoke. Shards of the screen were falling to the ground, making a 'pint' a noise.

"Logan," I pulled his arm, trying to get my phone away before he said something he'd regret.

"If you call this phone again I will find you and I will crush you. Never talk to my Bunny again, you hear me Penny? Good." He hung up. His face was red with anger. His chest was quickly moving in and out.

His arms quickly circled me and he held me close to his chest. "I won't let anyone hurt you ever again, Bunny. I promise. You won't have to worry about him anymore."
Would that be true?

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Sincerely, Heaven

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