Chapter 17

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Logan drove the both of us to school that morning after we ate breakfast.

He was looking at the road, but I could tell something was on his mind.

"Bunny?" He said out of nowhere. "You don't mind if I ask you a few things about Peyton, do you?"

I shivered at Peyton's name. We split up only 3 weeks ago. I didn't know if I was okay with talking to Logan about our relationship, but I said yes anyway.

"When we get home, could I ask you then?" He took his eyes from the road and looked at me. "I'd like to ask as many questions as I can without a time limit."

"S-sure Logan. Ask me whenever you like." I said.

What is it he wants to ask me?

He parked into the school's garage and then we both went inside. Logan stood close, as if he was guarding me.

We got looks and stares from the students and even some of the teachers. I felt uncomfortable, so I just looked down.

"Man stealer," A girl in a cheerleader uniform bumped into me. She was about to walk away, but Logan grabbed her arm. She let out a squeal. "What are you doing?"

"Hello Amanda. What did you say to Bunny just now? You better hope that I never see you hurt Bunny again or I'll get you kicked off the team. Got it?" He had pure fury in his eyes.

She snatched her arm away from his grip. She smirked. "Do you think you scare me, Logan? Your parents give you power! You're nothing but a rich basketball player. The only person you scare is that man stealer!"

"I'm not a fucking man stealer!" I seethed.

"How can Bunny be a man stealer? Who put you up to this, Amanda? Was it Heather or was it Chloe? Do they think that sending their minions to bully Bunny will get me back? They will never earn my love if they think they can get it by bullying! I don't care about those two. I didn't then and I don't now. I only care about Bunny. She likes me for who I am, not for my dick. Those two don't see hearts. They see people who can give them pleasure and they go for it. I used to think the same way, but I'm glad I grew out of it. Thinking that way doesn't get you anything but misery. If only they were smart enough to realize that. This is getting so fucking annoying. It's been 3 long months. They need to get over themselves. We have a big game coming up soon and I don't want to see them if they'll be acting like this. They say they don't want me to leave the team but they are pushing me forward. Tell them all of that, Amanda. If they don't care then fine. At least they know. Lets go, Bunny." He sighed and took my hand. He pulled me down the hall away from Amanda. She was frozen.

Whoa. His player history is coming up once again.

He stopped in front of his locker and sighed again. "Sorry about that, Bunny. I got a little upset back there."

"It's okay." I said. "I know this must be hard on you."

"It's hard on you too, Bunny. I want us to start a relationship soon but I can't do that if they are dragging me down and bullying you. It's so frustrating, Bunny. Thank God I have you." He gave me a big smile.

My cheeks flushed. "I-I'm glad I have you too."

I was lucky to have Logan. He made me happy and he seemed like my only friend when I felt alone. He made me feel so loved, unlike Peyton who made me feel hated.

He took my face in his hands. He kissed my forehead. I lifted the hair that had fallen over his forehead and kissed his too.

He chuckled. "I can't wait to kiss your lips, Bunny." He said, staring at my lips. He ran his thumb over my bottom lip. "I know I'll love it."

My face was burning red. I could feel it. I took his hands down from my cheeks. "Great...that's great." I nervously said. "We should go to class now." I said, turning away.

"Bunny, there's no need to be embarrassed." He turned me back around. "You've been kissed before, right?"

"Yeah...a few times."

"A few? I thought you told me you and Peyton were together for 3 years."

"We-we were."

He stared at me, saying nothing. When he opened his mouth to speak, the bell rang for class.

"I-I gotta go. See you later, Logan." I ran up the stairs.

I knew what he was going to say. I've heard it before. I didn't need it to hear again. Especially from him.

I remembered my conversation with Emma.

"I know we don't do much, but I do love him. He's nice to me and-"

"Hannah, listen to me. It seems to me like Peyton doesn't love you at all. He treats you terribly. He yells and curses at you. You two barely even kiss! He asks you for sex every other day. He isn't nice Hannah. You are refusing to believe that because you "love" him. Hannah... He only wants you for your body. You know that. I know you do! Yet... you tell him you love him everyday when he doesn't say it back. He's terrible for you and yet you stay with him. Why?"

"Because I love him."

I was lying to myself for 3 years and I didn't even know it. I felt dumb and pathetic.

But I wasn't lying to myself when I knew I liked Logan.
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Sincerely, Heaven

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