Chapter 13

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Logan POV (This is before they arrived at the hotel)

"Bathroom break everyone!" Grace yelled.

I looked to Bunny. Her eyes were open, but they were hooded. She must be still tired. I slowly let her go and got off the bus.

A dirty gas station stood before us. They began to walk inside it.

I was disgusted. There's no way I'm peeing in there.

I walked behind the gas station and peed onto a tree. Once I finished, I zipped my pants, then went to the front of the gas station.

Heather was waiting for me with a big smile on her face. "Logan bear!" She ran and hugged me. Heather was one of the cheerleaders for the basketball team. She always tried to cheer for me the loudest, but her sister Chloe always beat her to it. I knew she liked me, but I liked Bunny.

"Heather, what the hell are you doing here? Since when do you attend cooking class?" I said, making sure no one was watching us.

"I'd ask the same to you, Logan." She giggled.

"I'm helping out a friend. And you?"

"Word went around that you'd be here, so I came to!"

Damn you, Violet.

"Heather, you can't just come here because I did!" Although I was saying this, I only came because Bunny wanted me to and I made her cuddle with me so I'd come. I'm just as bad as she is.

"Oh come on, Logan! Don't be mad at me. I just wanted to see you. I haven't seen you in so long. Not since we had sex a few months ago."

"Forget about that, Heather." I was too embarrassed to talk about that. I had feelings for Bunny now. The feelings I had for Heather didn't matter anymore.

"I can't forget. It was the best night of my life. I miss the feeling of you inside me, Logan bear. It was so good." She said as if she was out of breath.

"Shut up, Heather. Get over yourself." I quickly walked past her, but she grabbed my arm.

"That girl you're with...she's cute, isn't she?"

I pulled my arm away from her. "No, she's gorgeous." I said with a smile.

"Do you like her, Logan bear?" She gave me sad eyes.

"Hey you two! Get on the damn bus!" Violet yelled at us. We got back on with the rest of the students.

I couldn't believe it. Heather thinks Bunny is cute. I was smiling a lot bigger than I should have, but I couldn't help it.

I sat down in my seat next to Bunny. She quickly turned her head away from me and looked out the window. I had a feeling she did it so I couldn't see her face.

"Bunny, are you okay?"

She only shrugged, looking out the window.

Did I do something to upset her?

The bus started to drive again. Bunny went back to sleep, but instead of laying her head on me she lay it on the window.

Heather gave me a smile. I didn't smile back. When the bus stopped we got off.

I took Bunny's luggage from her. She still didn't look at me. We walked into the hotel and up the stairs. "Alright everyone, I assume you already decided who you'd share a room with. Go on." Violet said.

Bunny began to walk toward a big white room. I followed her because I wanted it to.

Suddenly, Heather appeared infront of me. "Hi Logan bear!" She whisper yelled. "Let's share a room."

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