Chapter 9

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I was looking through the newspaper for a job. Getting money from Logan was nice but I still wanted my own money. I miss my job at the daycare.

"Bunny, I have plenty of money for the both of us. You don't need a job." Logan said, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"But I want one. I don't want to sit here and do nothing all day, Logan. It's boring."

"Spending time with me is boring?" He said, taking a sip from his coffee.

I could hear the crickets again.

"No, I never said that. I hate waiting for you to get back after practice. If I get job, you'll be here when I get back."

"So I'll have to wait for you?" He raised an eyebrow. "That doesn't sound like fun, Bunny."

"I know, but still."

"I don't like to wait, Bunny."

"Well, you'll have to."

He loudly sighed. "Bunny, no. It's not safe for a girl like you to be outside at night by yourself. Even if it was for a job."

"Come on, Logan. I'll be fine. Why do you always worry?"

"Because you're my Bunny and I don't want anyone trying to kidnap you."

"That won't happen...and stop calling me that. I don't like it."

"You don't like my nickname for you, Bunny?"



"Because it's weird."

"Then, I guess I'll call you your name. Charlotte."

"It's Hannah." I rolled my eyes. Did he really forget my.real name?

"Hannah." He corrected himself. "Yes, Hannah. That's your name."

"Did you forget my real name, Logan?"

"No.... I just needed to be reminded of it." He gave me one of his charming smiles to hide the fact that he did forget. "I prefer to call you Bunny. I don't call you by your real name much."

"If you say so,"

"I won't forget it from now on." He stretched and his shirt lifted a little and I could see his abs. I couldn't help but stare. His body was so perfect. I had grown to love those black shirts of his. They huge his muscles so well. It was a masterpiece.

"Bunny, it's not very kind to stare." He winked at me with a big smile on his face.

"Sorry," I looked away. "It looks good on you."

"What does?"

"That shirt." Well, he looked good in everything. That was one of the struggles of living here. Seeing a sexy guy every morning and night. Even if he was a pervert.

"I can say the same to you. Those shorts are driving my crazy."

I looked down. I was in my pink short shorts. I had a feeling he'd comment on them. I quickly closed my legs. "Really?"

"Yes. You should wear them more often. You look absolutely ravishing in them."

Ravishing? They're just shorts. Do they look that good on me?

"You should take them off," he licked his lips.

"What?! No!"

"Joking Bunny. I'll take them off myself sooner or later."

He took a drink from his coffee again. "Although I enjoy you flirting with me, we have to discuss something important. I would like to meet your family soon."

My heart skipped a beat. "My family?"

"Yes, your family."

My family... I haven't seen my family in 3 years. Ever since I went away for college, I never had time to contact them. I have all the time in the world now so I guess I could call them.

The last time to spoke to them was when I told my Mom I had a crush on Peyton. He had already lived in Chicago when we started to call each other. My friend Emma told me about him. We just ended up going to the same college before I dropped out of course. My parents didn't know that I met up with Peyton in college, they didn't know I dropped out, or that I'm living with Logan right now.

I have a lot to tell them. Especially my mother. She'll be furious. Dad would want to murder Peyton. I... wouldn't stop him.

"Why do you wanna meet them, Logan?" I asked.

"Because I'd like to know more about you, Bunny."

"Then, can I meet your parents?"

"My parents live in Canada." He said with a frown.

"Oh." How come they live so far away from each other?

I wanted to meet the Python parents. Those rich bastards. I wondered if they would be stuck up like most of the billionaires around the world. Besides, by the look on Logan's face, he doesn't seem to like them.

"I guess you can meet my parents," I said. "But I haven't talked to my family in 3 years."

"Really? Why is that?"

"Because I moved away for college."

"You haven't kept in contact with them at all?"

"No... I don't."

He rested his chin on his folded hands. "Hmm,"

He was so adorable like that. He was staring up into space, humming. His blue eyes were bright and his perfect lips were slightly parted. He began to rub his chin. "Maybe... you could call them."

"Well yeah."


"I'll call them."

"Would you really?! Oh Bunny, I'm so excited!" He said, getting close to my face. His blue eyes lit up with excitement. "I can't wait to meet them!"

Hopefully he likes my parents. They can be a bit weird and judgmental, but I didn't wanna ruin his excitement.

"On one condition." I said out of nowhere.


"On one condition, I'll call them."

"Of course, I'll do anything. What do you want?" He quickly sat down in front of me.

I thought. What did I want? Hmm.

"Your shirt. I like it." I said with a smile.

"My shirt?" He looked down at it. "That's all?"

"Yeah. I don't really want anything else."

Well... that I could think of.

He pulled his shirt over his head and threw it into my lap. I almost drooled at his body. His abs glistened in the light coming from the lamp. His chest was so big. I bet if I punched it, my hand would break. "Is that really all you want?"

"Mhm." I pulled it over my head. "Thank you, Logan."



"I like the name Bunny. I'm calling you that from now on regardless if you like it or not."
Flirting between the MC's! *gasp*

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Sincerely, Heaven

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