Chapter 42

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Hannah POV

"A boyfriend?" I say, raising my eyebrows. "Really?"

Chloe has a boyfriend? She can't have one, right?

"Yeah. She seemed pretty happy about it." Logan shrugged.

I had that stirring feeling in my stomach again. 

"I don't believe it, Logan. You shouldn't either. That woman is a trickster."

"I know, I know. But, she seemed pretty honest about it."

"Oh please." I rolled my eyes. "I have never met such a bad liar in my twenty two years of life!"

He didn't respond after that. He continued to scramble the eggs in the pan in silence.

Wait... Does he...

"You don't believe her, do you?" 

He dropped the spatula into the pan and ran his fingers through his hair quickly. He does this when he's nervous. 

"Logan!" I yelled

"Maybe I do, okay?!" He shouted, turning to me. "Maybe she has changed. I mean... we can't know for sure, but still!"

"Logan Python, you are delusional! That woman almost had you killed!" I yelled at him. 

"I know. Trust me, I do. You tried so hard to get me to know what she had done."

"Then why do you believe her?!"

"Because... because... when I went to go see her, she apologized for what she did." He reached and turned the stove off. "She was sincere and almost looked as if she had regretted the entire thing."

"Maybe because someone was killed!"

"She said she was upset about that part too, but-"

"She should be! Jason was murdered because she was being a jealous bitch! And honestly, if the cops hadn't shown up, you and I would be dead too!"

"I know-"

"Stop saying you do, because you don't! Open your eyes, Logan! That woman needs help!"

"But she changed-"

"Even if she did, that's no excuse for almost getting us killed! Ugh!" I kicked the stove. It loudly shook. The pan of scrambled eggs wobbled and fell to the floor. The eggs spilled every where, circling Logan's feet. He was speechless. His face was emotionless as he stared at the mess. 

I swiftly turned away from him and headed up the stairs to my bedroom. I slammed the door shut behind me and dived onto my bed. 

As I lay there, I thought. Why does he believe her?  Why is he being so stupid? Does he like her or something?

The last question in my head shocked me. What? No! Of course he doesn't like her! Are you crazy?

Maybe.. he does like her. That's why he believe she has changed. When you like someone, it's easy to trust them. He does like her, doesn't he?

I pressed my face into my pillow and let my tears fall. I thought I was the woman he loved. Does he even trust me like that?

Suddenly, I heard the door slam open behind me. I turned to see Logan standing there, his face red with anger. That face reminded me of the one Peyton used to have whenever he got home. I quickly tore my eyes away from his and looked down.

He came over to me and sat down on the bed. He slid his hand under my chin and lifted it, so I was looking into his eyes.

His anger had completely faded. Instead, he was smiling. 

"I hate it when you cry, Bunny." he said. "I know what you're thinking. Whatever doubts or insecurities you have, they're not true. The only reason I believe her is because I want to. I want to believe that she's changed. Bunny, when you and I get married, I would like to live a peaceful marriage with my wife without worrying about her trying to hurt us again. I don't want a repeat  of Jason, okay? "

"Okay," I nodded my head.

He quickly leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. Our lips intertwined, our breathing heavy. My arms quickly circled his neck, his arms around my waist. As his hands gripped my tank top, I knew what he wanted to do. 

"Logan," I pulled away. "What are you doing?"

"Please? Last time we were interrupted. Can we continue?"

"Can't you wait until our wedding night?"

"I don't want to have sex. Just touching you would be fine." He whispered into my ear, then slid his tongue up my earlobe. He placed his hands on my shoulders and lay me down onto the bed. "Could I touch you, Bunny?"

I quickly nodded my head. He leaned forward and slid his tongue up my throat. His hands gripped my shirt and pulled it over my head. He smiled at my breasts that were popping out of my black bra. He leaned down and kissed them, while unstrapping my bra. I threw my head back as he reached my nipples. He was so gentle. His touch traveled to my body and to my core. 

I moaned as he nibbled on my nipples. He was torturing me. 

"Does it feel good, Bunny?"

"Yes," I moaned.

"Can I touch you here?" His slid his fingers down my shorts. He slowly began to slide his finger up and down my clit. "You're so wet, Bunny. I want to taste you so bad."


"Are you sure?"


His moving finger stopped and so did the nibbling. He looked up at me and smiled. "Maybe we should save that for our wedding day."

I instantly slapped him. "You asshole!"

He burst out laughing. "I couldn't help it, Bunny! You were so cute! I had to tease you!"

"Jerk!" I pushed him off the bed and pulled the blanket over my head.

"Sorry." He slowly said. "You still love me, right?"

"Of course I do," I said

He climbed onto the bed with me and circled his arm around my waist. "I love you too." he whispered sweetly into my ear. 


Hello Everyone! I hope you liked this chapter! I know it's short, but I've been stressed lately and haven't had time to write as much as I want. Regardless, I'll still update!

Tell me what you think of this chapter! Remember to vote and comment!

See you next Friday!

Sincerely Heaven

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