Chapter 3

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When I got back to Logan's mansion, I realized my phone and wallet were missing.

I looked every where, but they were nowhere to be found. I can't believe this!

Did I lose it at the bar? Shit. I hope not. I have 5 dollars in there and my ID.

My stomach loudly growled. It had been two hours since I was with Mrs. Gold. I was hungry again.

I decided to forget about my missing items for the moment and went down to the kitchen to get some food.

I opened the fridge. It was completely full of delicious food. I spotted out a cake and some sandwiches.

My mouth watered at all the food that was inside.

I cooked myself some eggs and more toast. As they cooked, I looked around the kitchen and opened up all the cabinets. I was curious of what food he might like. It was...average. Hamburgers, sandwiches, fries and some veggies that looked as if they hadn't been touched in months. I closed everything I had opened and continued to cook my snack.

Once they finished cooking, I sat at the big kitchen table and ate. As I ate I wondered if he did live here alone. What about his parents? Do they live here as well? If so, why aren't they here?

Once I finished my food, I washed my empty plate in the sink. I paced around the living room, waiting for Logan to come back.

Did he have my phone and my wallet?

Maybe he's a thief! He stole from me and brought me here to kill me so I wouldn't snitch!

Wait, that makes no sense. I was so intoxicated last night that if someone did steal from me, I wouldn't notice. Also, if he did steal from me, why would he bring me to his house?

Suddenly, I realized how exhausted I was for this constant worry. I've done enough exploring for the day. I lay on the couch and fell asleep.

I woke up feeling something touching my face. It was warm and rough. It tickled. Wait a second...

My eyes shot open. Logan was looking down at me, touching my cheeks. He had a big, bright smile on his face.

"Ah!" I screamed and quickly sat up. "What the hell are you doing?!"

He gave me smirk. "Did you sleep well, Bunny?"

He looked as if he had just gotten back. He was in blue jeans and a black long sleeve V-neck that hugged his muscles. He smelled as if he had just eaten Chinese food.

"When did you get back?" I asked, moving further down the big couch.

"Twenty minutes ago." He sat down on the couch right next to me. He ran his fingers through his dirty blonde hair. "Did you eat?"

"Yes, a few hours ago." I hadn't realized I had slept for so long.

"Good. I have more food for you in the kitchen if you'd would like some. Please help yourself."

Suddenly, I remembered my missing items.

Confront him, Hannah. He can't do anything to you anyway!

What?! Yes, he can! He has my phone! I won't be able to call the police if he attacks me!

"Is something on your mind, Bunny?" He asked me, searching my eyes.

"Logan...did you take my phone and wallet? I sort of need those." I nervously said, fiddling my thumbs.

"Yes, I did take them." He pulled my phone from his pocket. He placed my small black phone in my hand.

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