Chapter 18

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I was waiting outside on the gym for Logan to finish basketball practice. I curled into a ball on the bench. It was raining outside and the cold air snuck in.

The gym door opened. The basketball players came out. They smiled and waved to me as they walked outside to their cars.

Logan and Noah were last walk out.

"See you later, sugar plum!" Noah said, petting my head.

"Noah," Logan warned, pulling me into his arms. "Stop touching her."

"Oh come on. I couldn't help it, Logan. She looks like a little burrito in your sweater. You don't deserve this much cuteness." He laughed.

"Go home, Noah. I'll call you tonight about what we saw."

"You better not forget." Noah said, walking away, smiling at us. "See you later!"

Logan sighed. He took my hand in his. "Bunny, you're freezing cold. Let's go."

He opened his umbrella and we ran to the car. He opened the door for me and I got it. He closed his umbrella and threw it into the back seat. He climbed into the driver's side and immediately turned on the heat.

He didn't drive until the car was completely warm.

Once we got home, he carried me inside so I wouldn't get wet.

After I changed, I sat on my bed waiting for him to come in.

Was does he want to ask me? Will I be able to answer all of his questions?

After about 10 minutes, he came in and sat on the bed with me.

The room was quiet. I was waiting for him to speak, but he didn't.

He looked up at the ceiling, deep in thought.

"Bunny, how do you feel?" He asked me out of nowhere.

"G-good." I said, looking down at my hands.

He took one of my hands in his and rubbed my palm with his thumb. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to, Bunny. I won't be upset if you say no."

"I'm okay. Let's do it."

He took in a breath and started. "How did you meet Peyton?"


"My friend Emma told me about him. We were ironically going to the same college. We met up there."

"Did he ask you out or was it the other way around?"

"He asked me."


"When... Emma told him I had a crush on him." I squeezed my arm.

"Are you still friends with her today?"


"Why not?"

"Because she knew about Julia and Peyton the whole time and she didn't tell me. She tried so hard to get Peyton and I together but she sat there and let him ruin our relationship. I thought she was my friend but she betrayed me like I was nothing." My eyes filled with tears. I wiped away the ones that escaped.

He squeezed my hand. I knew he wanted to hug me, but he didn't. "Maybe she liked him too."

"No, I don't think so."

"Why not?"

"Because she said she didn't. She promised me she didnt..." I stopped because I realized how dumb I sounded.

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