Chapter 20

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I knocked on the front door. "Violet! Violet!"I yelled. I knocked harder and the door slowly opened.

That's weird. She doesn't lock her door.

I looked back at Logan. "I'm going to go in, okay?"

He nodded. He still had that sad look on his face and I wanted to make it disappear.

I leaned forward and kissed his lips. Just as I was about to pull away, he pulled me toward him. My arms circled his neck. I let out a moan as he kissed and sucked on my neck. He sucked hard, destined to leave a mark. It hurt, but it also felt so good. He pushed my back up against the door and continued to kiss my lips.

"Logan stop," I pulled away with a big smile on my face. "We have to go inside,"

"Do we really have to?" He said in a sad voice.

"Yes, baby. We do."

He gave me a devilish smile. "What did you just call me?"

"I-I called you baby," I said, feeling strong. "Yes, that's what I called you."

"Really? I like that," He pulled me toward him roughly again. "How about I call you sexy?"

"Go ahead, baby." I giggled as he kissed me again.

"STOP IT!" The door swung open. Violet was standing there. Her hair was slightly a mess and she was wearring a huge white t-shirt. "STOP BEING SO LOVEY DOVEY! IT'S ANNOYING!"

"Hey Logan," A guy appeared behind her. He had short messy black hair and big green eyes. He was shirtless, in nothing but jeans. I've seen him before. He must be on the basketball team.

"Sup Charles," Logan said. "I knew you liked Violet, but I never thought you'd act on it,"

"Well, she is a feisty lady. But today we fucked-"

"That's enough!" Violet yelled. "Come inside, you two. Get dressed, Charles."

Logan and I went inside and sat on the couch.

Violet followed Charles up the stairs until I grabbed her arm. "Since when are you and Charles a thing?" I asked.

"We're not a thing. It was a booty call."

"I thought you said no boy would ever like you again."

"I can't control what he thinks! What about you, Miss Not Good Enough? Going on a date the Logan Python?! You're crazier than I am!"

"I never called you crazy! Besides, I didn't have sex with him!"

"But you will!"

"I will not! I have boundaries, unlike you! You just had sex with a random guy, Violet!"

"Whatever! If Logan wanted to have sex with me, then he'll do it with you!" She screamed at me.

My jaw dropped. "What..."

Her hands quickly covered her mouth. "I...I shouldn't have told you that, Hannah. I'm sorry."

Logan wanted to have sex with Violet...

I didn't know why, but my chest was hurting. I turned to Logan who was obviously listening to our conversation. His eyes were wide. "Bunny," he started. "Bunny, that was 3 years ago! She was coming onto me and-"

"Coming onto you?! Please Python, don't humor yourself!" Violet laughed.

"Don't you dare lie about this, Violet!" Logan stood. "You know that's what happened!"

"You're the one who came onto me! Should I tell her about what happened in the locker room?!" Violet screamed back at him.

"I can't believe you two had history..." I sobbed. "I guess I should've known. I'm so stupid when it comes to the obvious!" I ran out the door.

"Bunny!" Logan yelled.

"Hannah!" Violet exclaimed.

My arm was swiftly grabbed by Logan before I could even touch a step. He twirled me around and pulled my into a hug. "Please Bunny, listen to me. It was 3 years ago. I was stupid horny teenager! It was a mistake! Please, forgive me!"

"I can't believe you, Logan!"

"Bunny, hear me out. After what happened between Chloe and Heather, I stopped. I stopped 3 months ago, Bunny. I don't care about what happened between Violet and I anymore and she doesn't either. I need you to forget too. Please, I was an idiot then and I still may be one now but I like you, Bunny. I care about you, Bunny. I want to be in a relationship with you, Bunny. No one else. Could you please, please forgive me? Please?"

I looked up into his sad blue eyes, then quickly looked away again. "Did you have sex with her?"

"No and I never will." he quickly answered.

"Did you kiss her?"


"A lot?"

"No." He stepped closer to me. "But I like your lips more than hers."

I put down my head so he wouldn't see my blushing cheeks. "Did you have oral sex?"

"Once," he said and sat on the porch. "No more questions now, Bunny. I just want to forget-"

"Did you love her?"

"Hell no." He quickly said. "I could never love anymore as stubborn as she is."

As rude as it sounds, hearing that put a smile on my face.

"Wow, harsh." Violet said, coming outside now fully dressed. "Are you feeling better now, Hannah. It was a really long time ago. Logan was so stupid-"

"You were just as dumb as I was Violet!" Logan stood and pulled me into his arms. "Do you forgive me now, Bunny?" he said looking into my eyes.

I set my now cold hands on his cheeks. "I will... if you promise to never do it again."

He reached down and gave me a sweet kiss on the lips. "I promise."

"So do I." Violet said. "I'd rather die then do that again."

"Shut up, Violet." I sighed. "Why did you want me over here again?" I asked, trying to pull away from Logan, but it only made him hold me tighter.

She let out a sigh. "Apparently, your ex committed a hit and run yesterday."

*Sigh* What do you think Peyton got himself into?

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Sincerely, Heaven

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