chapter 31

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olivia's POV

"just on time" hunter smirked as he walked towards me looking at his watch. i didn't answer, hell i didnt even look at him. "i want you in the playroom, in the correct position. i'd like to... chat with savannah" hunter said calmly, almost too calmly. i nodded quickly leaving. "answer verbally" he called after me. i stopped. "yes sir" i answered and proceeded on.

proceeding to walk nervously down the hallway and into the playroom. "fuck" i whispered aloud as i opened the cold room. i removed all my clothes and folded them neatly in a stack off to the side of me. i then kneeled and bowed my head, putting my hands faced up on my thighs.

there was yelling coming from the living room which was obviously hunter and savannah. then a door slammed and not to long later hunter came into the room. "i'd like to talk first" hunter awkwardly said as he closed the door and walked towards the chair next to me.

"about what" i asked attempting to sound innocent. "you know what, you just think you can up and leave because i made you mad" he asked frustration clear in his tone. "i didn't leave cause you made me mad, i left because you interfered into a relationship that has nothing to do with you. that you in fact told me i should pursue. so, i apologize if you're mad that i left but you can't go around making decisions that aren't yours to make" i snapped back.

"well, i do get to make decisions for you because i'm your dominant. just because you think you can prance around pretending to be something you weren't and aren't meant to be doesn't mean your actually fit for the job. let alone trying to juggle two relationships at the same time, come on now. that's to much to put on anyone" hunter corrected looking me dead in the face.

"no, you don't get to make my decisions. a real dominant would let me make my own decisions and find out for myself if i can handle it. not force me out of something you allowed me to do. guess it just runs in the family that you aren't a good dom, just like your father to your mother" i seethed.

honestly, his emotions were undetectable he just seemed blank. "remember when it was all over the news that your mother went to the hospital because your father wasn't listening to her coloring. she ended up with a broken arm, you were like what...8-9. wasn't it hard going to school knowing your dad was the abuser who raised you. maybe some of his qualities rubbed off on you" i continued.

his anger was coming out and he was struggling to control it. "or, when he got so angry because she apologized to a waitress for his rudeness that he slapped her up real bad and wouldn't stop continuously saying "she likes it, no she likes this". security was called and finally pulled him off of her. he took her home and i bet he was beating her worse than he was in public. you probably remember her screams and pleads, maybe she was so out of it after a while she probably just stopped" i kept going.

tears had came to his eyes as his face hardened. "you know nothing about my family, what you see or hear on the news isn't even half of it" hunter fumed with tears threatened to overflow.

"am i missing a part how somehow she managed to stay alive through her on going terrible treatment. how do you live with yourself knowing how badly she's treated when you're around, let alone when you're gone. you seem to have grasped your dads control freak behaviors" i accused.

"i'm nothing like my father" hunter exploded getting up and leaving the room slamming the door behind him. i jumped at the slamming as he left. and another door slammed soon after. i immediately left the room and ran to the living room to peer out of the windows only to see hunter driving away.

again, sorry for the cliffhanger. i also felt like creating drama and tension because i'm bored and like plot twists. it's a short and kinda lame chapter, sorry. anyway, hope you have a great morning/afternoon/night. make sure to follow, comment, and vote.

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