chapter 7

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i didn't want to look at him i was to scared to make eye contact . my light blue jeans were now wet and a dark blue shade . my all white shoes were now wet and gross feeling . i was shaking in fear and embarrassment . i could hear master get up from his chair and walk towards the blinds . he closed them and locked the door . he grabbed my arm and i thought he was going to spank me or punish me somehow but he didn't . he held me close until i stopped crying . " Olivia your an 18 year old adult act like one " he was beyond mad and landed a hard smack on my soaked butt which made the hit even worse .

i screamed and he scowled at me which made me even more scared . walking back to his desk he picked up his phone and stepped outside to make a call . " Olivia go downstairs to meet Charlotte with your new clothes " he said walking back into his office . " um i'm not sure if you forget but i'm soaked with piss hunter " i said sassily get annoyed .

" watch yourself Olivia and who's fault was that " he warned . " do you have anything i can cover myself with " i asked searching . " no walk down to the bottom floor and show everybody what your childish behavior caused " he said nonchalantly . " are you stupid no ! why can't charlotte come up here " i screamed . " would you like to repeat yourself " he said gripping his desk sides til his knuckles turned white .

" i said your a fucking idiot for wanting me to go down to the parking lot walking in front of people with me covered with piss ! why can't she come up here " i yelled at him again . " you clearly want to test your luck . go get your new clothes from charlotte downstairs " he warned again . i walked over to his desk and me being the ballsy bitch i am i leaned over it facing him all up in his space . " tell . charlotte . to . bring . the . clothes . upstairs . hunter " i said with my bitchy face on . he stood up and did the same as i . " ok let me call her really quickly " he said being really suspicious . he picked up his phone and talked to someone .

" hey can you come to my office please thanks " he sighed hanging up . " thank you " i said being the smartest bitch ever . i heard a knock on the door so i unlocked it and it wasn't charlotte . it was an employee named Abigail . i guess her and hunter were close because she smiled at him like they were a little to friendly . " hey can you take Olivia downstairs and get her new pants because she had an accident " he said in the bitchiest tone ever . she looks me up and down and makes a disgusted face at me .

" bitch you got a fuckin problem " i yelled in her face startling her and hunter . " no i -i just was looking " she mumbled back . " well your ugly ass face said otherwise hoe " i yelled at her again . " well your an 18 year old adult pissing yourself " she said sarcastically . " and your a loose pussy ass bitch sucking everybody's dick trying to get people to like you " i said back . " are you just mad hunter felt bad for you and that's why your his submissive " she snapped back . " no i'm not but your mad he didn't want you fishy ass " i said walking out of the room .

hunter was laughing when i left and abigail was upset she didn't get to say anything back . i walked downstairs to the parking lot quickly hopefully nobody saw me and i grabbed the clothes and ran to the closest bathroom changing into them and going back to hunters office . i walked in and abigail was still there the same place i left her .

as i walked by i said " hey fishy go back to your aquarium now " i smiled and walked over to hunters desk sitting on his lap kissing him then wickedly smiling and waving her out . she sat there in aw . " why you so mad hoe " i said sarcastically concerned . " bitch " she mumbled turning to leave . " it's okay sis not everybody can be wanted by someone " i said waving her out .
" your an ass " she rolled her eyes . i ran out the door after her . " hunter loves my ass more than he'll ever give a fuck about your lonely unwanted ass "

i yelled at her making everyone stare at me . as i walked back into hunters office he laughed at my comeback .
" your so mean to her " he chuckled .
" somebody needs to show fishy her place when it comes to you " i said back .

then a smack came down on my butt making me jump . " hey what's that for " i pouted rubbing my butt .
" cussing , disrespecting and disobeying me " he said packing up his paperwork .

Daddy's Little Submissive From Willowdaleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें