chapter 17

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savannahs POV

i woke up around 8am in olivia's room . which triggered all the memories from last night to rush back into my head . i flipped over to face olivia also remembering the incident that happened causing my harshly beaten bottom . i watched olivia who was curled up in the blankets with her cute pajama set on and her fuzzy socks peeking out from the blanket . she looked so adorable . she's way to nice for her own good .

an alarm went off after about 30 minutes of me admiring olivia . she started tossing and turning looking for her phone to turn it off . after struggling to find it she did and shut off the alarm . her hands went flying to her face to cover her eyes from the bright sunlight peeking through the blinds that automatically open when the sun rises .

olivia's POV

i shut off my annoying alarm which frustrated me . all the memories of last night came rushing back as i threw the covers off me very angrily . turning around i see savannah staring at me . i smiled and began to make the trundle bed before pushing it back into the bed .

" good morning livi " savannah said cheerfully . " mornin' sav " i yawned while stretching . " are you going to work today " savannah asked sadly . " yes , i am . i also have to be in the same car with that idiot " i replied irritated by hunters actions last night . " well then don't go , hang out with me again today " savannah begged . she's so adorable . " fine i guess i can but tomorrow i do have to go to work " i reasoned pulling my phone off the charger . " yayy " she said getting off the bed and going to the door . i stopped her . " ahh come here " i commanded . she stopped in her tracks and turned around very confused . " what'd i do " she said in a small voice . i chuckled . " nothing , let me check your pretty little butt though " i said pulling her towards me . pulling down her cute little pajama shorts i saw her little butt was beaten very badly . there were multiple little marks from where the bleeding was , it was very red , and it had spoon and hand prints left . " how bad is it " savannah asked worried .

i didn't know if i should worry her or not so i nonchalantly said " better than it was " and pulled up her shorts letting her to go back and do whatever she was going to do .

i grabbed my phone and headed to hunters room . i knocked twice and heard a low
" come in " . i opened the door and saw hunter getting ready for work . " why aren't you getting ready " he asked angrily . i was acting all big and bad yesterday since he was acting different but i forgot how scary he actually was when he was acting normal .
" i-i'm not going to work today sir " i said with my head low .

" oh yea and why do you think that " he said walking towards me slowly tying his tie .
" i'm g-gonna stay with savannah again today " i said still looking down backing away as he walked closer . " you know , you don't really take an interest in people all to often why savannah " he asked getting his rolex from the case . " i'm not taking an interest in savannah " i replied a little to mouthy . he gave me the watch yourself look . so i quickly looked down . " yes , you are . hanging out with her all of the sudden . defending her , protecting her " he continued to list off more reasons . when he started talking about last night i interrupted him . " the only reason i did that was because you were in the wrong and you know that " i sassed . he let out a deep sigh and walked towards me and grabbed my arms lifting them over my head . SMACK SMACK SMACK

i flinched at every hit . " olivia i'm very tired of your attitude , your disrespect , and your disobedience " he listed off yelling at me . " why are you yelling at me " i asked in a calm low voice . " because i'm tired of the bullshit i put up with because i love you " he huffed storming into the bathroom . " then why don't you ever just tell me to sit down and shut up , or stop doing what i'm doing because it's disrespectful or i'm being disobedient . saying "i love you " and meaning it and saying " i love you " because i see you everyday are two different things . actually loving someone is helping them through tough times and putting there happiness and health above your own . showing them there wrong and helping find ways out of the wrong to have a stronger healthier relationship . building trust and comfort with the other person . expressing how you feel . seeing someone everyday doesn't mean " i love you " living with someone doesn't even mean you love them right away . if you truly love me why do you act like you are now , or yesterday . really loving someone is taking the time out of your day to make sure they've eaten , slept well , making sure they're doing good . it's the little things that matter most . loving someone isn't getting them a car and saying " i love you " it's a way but not a way someone would appreciate unless you truly meant it . the easiest way to show someone love is the little things that you do . the phone calls , the goodnight and good morning texts , the be safe have fun texts . that's love . putting someone else above yourself . and hunter i don't think you truly do love me . i know we've said it to each other before but i meant it . but as for yourself i don't really know . i know i put your happiness and health and well-being above my own but you , i think your just a sadistic prick who gets off on hurting woman . i still love you even though you do enjoy inflicting pain on me . i still finds ways to make you even happier . and you know what i get in return . nothing . but i'm ok with that because your happy . do you understand ! i love you and you don't love me but i'm ok with it as long as your happy " i explained wiping tears from my eyes as i watched him just roll up his sleeves .

he took a while to rely but i heard him take a long deep breath before he answered .
" your right , i should help you understand some things you do are disrespectful and when your being disobedient figuring out why and ways to help you . but i do want you to know , i do love you . i'm not a romantic guy . i won't text have you eaten if your at home , i won't text you good morning and goodnight texts because i see you and can tell you it in person . and i do put your happiness and health and well-being above my own so don't even think for a second that i am just a sadist who doesn't actually love you . if i didnt love you i wouldn't let you talk to me about your feelings , i wouldn't let you swear when your upset about something . i love you and i've never questioned if you loved me or not so i feel it's disrespectful when you question if i love you or not . " he finished with his voice on the verge of tears .

" your going to work today , go get ready we're already late " i said pointing to the door .
i turned and walked out the door to my room . i was wiping tears from my eyes as i walked into my room forgetting savannah was there . " livi what's wrong " she asked coming to hug me . i quickly collected myself and let her hug me . " oh it's nothing you should have to worry about , but i have to go to work today so let's get some cooling lotion on your little butt and then i have to get ready for work , k " i said quickly while grabbing the cooling lotion .

" lay on the bed baby " i said very nicely . i poured some cooling lotion into my hand and started applying it to her little butt . she gasped at the cool air and lotion mixture while i giggled at her actions . " alrighty all done , good job baby " i cooed as i helped her off the bed and pulled her shorts back up . she clung to me as i picked her up .

placing her nose in the crook of my neck as i walked to my closet . " wanna help me pick out my outfit " i asked which lead to her leaping off of me going into my closet . i just giggled and i heard another giggle from the door . i turned around and it was hunter . i quickly looked at savannah exploring my closet . then walked to hunter . " how long have you been there " i asked still watching savannah .

" just long enough to see you collect yourself quickly to not have her worry . i think she's starting to grow on you liv " he chuckled playfully smacking my bottom . i playfully rolled my eyes . " i think we're becoming great friends " i said proudly .
" livi , i think savannah's starting to like you . you do know she's bi right " he asked chuckling .

i damn near choked on my saliva when i heard those words . " s-she is " i asked excitedly . " yes she is , are you telling me i didn't know you were too " he asked suspiciously . i sucked in air and smiled . " ta-daaa " i said with my arms in the air .
he laughed at my actions . i see savannah turn around and see hunter . her face looked like she saw a ghost . i walked over to her . " what's wrong baby " i asked bending down to hear her . " is he still mad from yesterday " she whimpered . my heart nearly shattered .
" oh no baby he's not . your fine " i reassured picking her up . bringing her bed to my bed and sitting her down on it . i asked hunter to go apologize to savannah from last night .

hunter made his way to the bed where savannah was . " hey , sav . i'm so very sorry for what i did last night . yesterday wasn't my day and i overreacted and i shouldn't have done what i did . can you forgive me " he asked very politely .
a smile appeared across savannah's face and she nodded her head then hunter opened his arms for a hug which she eagerly accepted .

hunter left the room and it was just savannah and i . finally getting dressed in the clothes that were picked out for me . me and hunter left hand in hand together for work about and hour and a half late .

i'm baackk ! and not a month and a half later either . hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and it's plot twist(s) . don't forget to vote , comment , and add to your reading lists ! thank you all so much for the votes , the comments , and all of you adding it to your reading lists !!!

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