Bonus Chapter!: "Your So Cute"

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since y'all loved (love is a strong word;) my ra fanfic, I decided to make a bonus chapter! yay.

this bonus chapter is me last month trying to get something together. I'm sorry in advance :p. this is my last write, ty for supporting me!

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Rose's POV
"What's love?" Miya asks Rose, as she pouts and thinks deeply.
"Love is... well... I don't know really." I reply.

"So you've never been in love before?" Miya asks.

I smile and look at her, "love is strong, Miya. Sometimes even dangerous. But love is hard to explain."

"Who are you in love with, mommy?"

"Take a guess, it's not that hard."

"The blue haired guy who tried to kill me?"

I laugh, "He was being controlled! And anyway, it sounds weird when you say it like that!"

5 months have gone by since we found Miya in the woods. When everything started going crazy. When my life was at the lowest point. But now, everything seems to be okay, and I hope it stays that way.

I heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" Miya jumped off the bed and ran.

"Miya! No! You have to sleep, it's passed your bedtime!" I say, running to get her. She opened the door and Hawk was standing on my doorstep.

"Daddy! I-"
"Heheh-," I laugh nervously as I cover Miya's mouth, "Hey Hawk, watcha' doing here?" I ask nervously.

"Fala was baking and she forced me to try all her cupcakes, but they were all disgusting so I ran here to get away from her. Crazy woman," he says.

I laugh. "So uh- how are you, uh, are you feeling well? Are you doing good?"

I'm blabbering. This is bad. Abort mission!

"I'm doing better, thanks. I can't believe I tried to take over the fairytale land like that. I still can't forgive myself."

When ever Hawk is around, I look into his eyes. Hold up! Not like in a romantic way or anything! Because I'm scared. Scared that his eyes would turn red again.

I stop and shake my head to get myself back in reality.

"Rose? Are you okay? You should get some rest, you look pale," Hawk puts his hand on my forehead. I blush.

"No! I'm fine! Don't worry about me-"

"Hey look! The stars are so pretty outside!" Miya runs out the door and leaps into the air.

"Miya! No! Come back inside!" I shout. Hawks right, I do need some rest.

"Mommy! I want a star!" Miya says.

"Aren't you already an angel? Can't you just fly up and get one?" Hawk says.

"Don't encourage her!" I say, "Miya, please come back inside!!"

"Fine," Miya agrees, "but tomorrow, I'm getting a star, okay?"

I sigh and walk Miya to bed. I tell Hawk to come in, because it's a cold Winter this year.

"Do you want anything?" I ask quickly, "Hot chocolate? Coffee-"

"Rose," Hawk stops me, "sit down. Tell me what's up."

I sit down and cross my legs, "Nothings wrong. It's just-" I stop myself. What I was going to say wasn't important at all,
"Nothing, it's just nothing."

I clench my fists. Hawk gets up, " I feel like you need some rest, Rose. I'll see you tomorrow in class. Have a good- UH"

I get up and leap into his arms and have a good cry. I hold on to his shirt and scrunch it up. "No... p-please don't go! Don't e-ever go! S-stay with me! Stay with me until the end!"

Hawk hugs me back. "Your so cute," he says.

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