Chapter 17: Astoria and Joy p2

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Shawn's POV
"YOU!" Everyone pointed at me and had smiles on their faces.
"Excuse me?"
"You will kiss her!" Rose says joyfully, "you'll kiss Astoria to free her! And we'll get Esquire to free Joy!"

Okay, hold up, me? And Astoria? I get that we've known each other since we were kids, but this is crazy! *pouts* okay whatever. I like her, but is it really THAT obvious?

"Go on bro!" Travis gives me a supportive nudge, "we all know you like her," he whispers.
"Okay fine!" I say, giving up.
"So you DO like her?!!!" Rose squeals, "awesome!!!"

"No-ye-no, ah!" I stutter, "can we just focus on the mission please?" Everyone gave me the 'I-know-your-lying' look.

"Fine, I like her! Let's go get Esquire and go!"

-At the Regal Academy pond-

Rose's POV
"I guess Vicky couldn't get you," I say, "you were under the water this whole time. Lucky."

"We've been under the water for 2 weeks," Esquire said, "what's going on?"
"2 weeks? Why?" Travis asks.
"Regal Academy locked us out. Joy said 'no one wants disgusting frogs around'", he said.

"She didn't mean it, she's under a curse," I told Esquire about what happened and how Vicky was behind everything. I told him in order to save Joy, he'll have to help us.

"I'm in!" He said.
"Great!" I gushed, "now, back to the Villains Hideout...."

-Meanwhile, at the Villains Hideout-

Vicky's POV
*goes into Astorias and Joys room and sees everything flying around, covered in fairy dust*



Rose's POV
The Dark side of the Enchanted Forest wasn't as bad as last time. The shadows and strange noises were still their, but no one came in our way.

"I see the tree!" I whisper, "get ready guys!"

"Moon Bow!"
"Beast Mask!"
"Glass Slippers!"

When we arrived at the tree, I was going to call for Snow, the bunny we ran into last time, but all of a sudden, we heard a familiar voice in the shadows.

"Where do you think your going?" The voice said, "your not allowed in their."

Everyone stood ready with their weapons. I looked around but I couldn't see anyone, their were to many trees, "Show yourself!" I shout.

"Oh look Joy!" That voice said, "Its Rose and the others!" That was Astorias voice, then I heard Joys laugh in the distance.

Then, a poof of dark purple and dark green appeared in front of us. The coloured smoke went down, then their stood Astoria and Joy.

"Nice knowing you!" They both said sarcastically; they took out their wands and blasted dark magic at us, trapping Gerald and Pinocchia in vines and turning Odette into a frog.

LingLing fired her Moon Bow but missed by a long shot, and Travis tried to make a tornado, but Joy turned him into a frog just before he could. It was just Shawn, Esquire, LingLing and I left.

"How did this happen? We've lost half of our fighters!" LingLing said.
"I have a plan!" I shouted, "LingLing and I will get you two close to Astoria and Joy," I told the boys.
"We'll take their wands then you go undo the curse," LingLing added, "GO!" Then we scattered.

I ran and got close to Joy. I span around her with my Glass Slippers and snatched her wand off her, "Hey!" She wined, "Not fair!"

After I got Joys wand, I could see LingLing firing her arrows at the moon, and dozens came down and aimed for Astorias wand. She turned a few of the arrows into thorns, but their were to many; an arrow hit Astorias wand and knocked it out of her hands; I ran to grab it then threw the wand to LingLing.

We had Astoria and Joy cornered, "Go!" I told the boys.

Esquire's POV
I didn't hesitate. I hopped over to Joy and kissed her; no surprise she turned into a frog after. I kissed her once more and she turned human again.

She lay on the floor, unable to move. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes and sat up, "Esquire? What's going on?" She asked, "I don't remember anything."

"Joys awake!" I shout, "we need to get out of here," I tell Joy, "we'll tell you everything after."

Shawn's POV
Everyone's depending on me. I slowly go up to Astoria, "What do you think your doing?!" She shouts.

"I don't want to hurt you, I swear," I grab her elbow, look into her eyes and kiss her. After, she looked into my eyes and I realised that the red in them had disappeared. I saw tears. I saw hurt. I saw pain.

She fell out of my arms, onto the floor. I kneeled down and shook her, "Astoria! Astoria no, you can't do this to me! Please wake up!"

We had a crowd; Esquire, Joy, LingLing and Rose, "Is she okay? What happened?!" Rose asks.

I was to upset to answer. Is Astoria... dead? Did my kiss... kill her?

"Shawn...?" Suddenly, Astorias eyes opened. I smiled, and hugged her. My sad tears turned happy, "Oh Astoria, I thought you-"
"I would never leave you."

We had a moment.

"We're so glad your back," Rose comforted.
"What's going on?" Astoria asks, "why are their people in my vines?"

"Stay here with Astoria and Joy," Rose tells me, as Joy sits next to Astoria, "we'll free them."

Rose's POV
We freed Odette, Pinocchia, Gerald and Travis, then we started to walk out of the forest.

I told Odette, Pinocchia, Gerald, Esquire and Shawn to go find a safe place to stay until we find Vicky and confront her.

As we reached the end of the forest, we heard rustling in the bushes. Everyone stood clear.

"This might be a trap," Travis says.
"Be ready for anything."

Then, all of a sudden, a young girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing a blue and pink dress with bare feet peeped out from the bush.

"Mommy? Mommy!" The girl ran up and hugged me.


Thank you for reading Chapter 17! I hope you enjoyed it!

Hooray! Joy and Astoria are back! :D
But someone else has appeared.

Spoiler (kind of): If you've ever watched Sword Art Online (SAO), you'd know that Kirito and Asuna find Yui in the woods and Yui says that their her parents. I like that storyline so I'm basically going to use it but change it slightly.

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