Chapter 10: Cinderella Sleepover p1

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-At Cinderella castle-

Rose's POV
I'm so busy it's actually unbelievable! I'm rushing in and out of the castle kitchen getting snacks and drinks, picking out movies, arranging the sleeping bags, picking out songs, making popcorn and the most important thing, trying to find lots and lots of pillows for the awesome pillow fight!

I'm so happy that I have an extra pair of hands, my little pet mouse, Gigi, if I can find her underneath all of these pillows,
"Gigi? Where did you go?" I start throwing the pillows that were in the biggest pillow mountain probably ever, trying to find Gigi.

Gigi's POV
Squeak squeak squeak! I can officially say that Rose is the dumbest human I have ever met.

Right now I'm having the time of my life! I'm chilling in the popcorn bowl and shoved little pieces of popcorn in my mouth. This is heaven.

Why would I ever be trapped under five dozen pillows?

As the wave of popcorn starts going down, I realised that I have eaten the whole bowl, "BUUUURRRRRPPP!!"

Rose's POV
I hear a very loud noise coming from the kitchen, so I run to check out what it was.
I was VERY surprise to see GIGI inside the POPCORN BOWL with NO popcorn INSIDE!

"GIGI!! There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you! But I don't know where all the popcorn has gone? Any ideas on where it can be? Mmm," I give Gigi 'the look' but in a nice way.

She frowns and taps her tummy. I pick her up. put her on my head and laugh, "Common Gigi, this popcorn wont make itself!"

3rd Person
30 minutes later, everyone started to arrive. Astoria first, at exactly 8 o'clock (obviously, she is always on time), LingLing and Fala came together a few minutes later.
Joy came last, she couldn't find her green fluffy slippers.

They watched movies, did their make up and nails, made cupcakes, danced, singed, all that jazz, and they had a massive pillow fight! The feathers went everywhere!

They all fell on the floor in laughter. Even Fala was having fun.

Fala's POV
To be honest, I'm having an 'okay' time. It's not sooo bad. The cupcakes were pretty good, and the pillow fight was fun. But I still need to do my job.

"Guys! Let's play Truth or Dare!" I suggest.
"What's that?" LingLing asks.
"If you pick truth, someone asks you a question and you have to answer it truthfully," Rose continues, "if you pick dare, someone sets you a 'challenge' and you have to do it."

LingLing looked excited, "I love challenges! Let's play!"

So that's what we did, Astoria had to eat a spoonful of ketchup, Joy picked truth and got the question; What embarrassing thing did you do that you turned into a frog?; and answered when she fell face toward in front of Esquire and LingLing's dare was to Takes of the shoes on the person on the right of her, which was me, and SMELL it!

When it was Roses turn, she picked truth, so I had to butt in and ask her a very sneaky question, "Who do you have a crush on, Rose?" The room went silent for a second, then the room filled with 'ooohhhs!' and 'awwws!'.

Rose's POV
"Is it Chad Charming?"
"Hattie Hatter?"
"Finn Whale?"
"Gerald Ugly Duckling?"
All these boys, I start to giggle, "No, non of them," I say.

Joy spewed out, "I KNOW! ITS TRAVIS!" LingLing look at Joy, folded her arms, then looked at me, worried it could be him, "It's not Travis, right?" She said worryingly.

Everyone laughed. "No! Don't worry, LingLing, it's not,"
LingLing sighed, "Phew!" We all laughed again.

"Common, Rose, tell us!" Joy says.
"Fine... don't laugh at me though!" I paused,

"it's-," and just before I could say Hawk, the girls shouted, "THE HANDSOME SNOW WHITE, ALSO KNOWS AS HAWK!!"


TYSM for reading part 10 of Regal Academy: Evil Takes Over ! p2 of Cinderella Sleepover will be coming out in a few days. I really hope you are enjoying the story so far! If you don't, comment down below how I can make it better. (I read all comments!) If you don't want to miss out on shoutouts and announcements, follow me! I always follow back. Thanks for reading! Your all angles!


This chapters shoutout goes to nicole_is_de_best for being amazing in every single way! Your miraculously awesome! (Inside joke) ilysm!!


Stay tuned for part 2 of Cinderella Sleepover to see what happens next!

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