Chapter 5: The Enchanted Tree

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Still Roses POV
"Wanna be partners?"
I knew who it was, I turned around, there he was, Hawk. Without even thinking, I stand up and hug him.

"HAWK!! Where were you?!" I ask,
"That doesn't matter right now, let's go ride,"

Hawks POV
This is the perfect time to get rid of Rose. But do I really wanna do this?

"You can be blindfolded," I tell her.
"This is gonna be AWESOME!" I can't stand her sometimes, she's so loud.

She goes running to her dragon and I role my eyes at her when she wasn't looking.

We're in the air, let's just get this over with.
"Aright now go down a little, now spin, and spin, and spin, keep spinning," I tell her the wrong directions.

"Are you sure we are going the right way?" She asks.
"Positive," but, am I?

We both start getting really dizzy, so I tell her to stop. I also tell her to fly the opposite way of the school.

My plan is to trap her in the Enchanted Forest, then Vicky will take it from there.

Wait, Vicky? What does she have to do with all of this? Uhh, I think I'm getting a headache.

"Now fly to the left, now go steady," I tell her. We were heading straight to the Enchanted Forest, I really hope my plan works.


Astorias POV
I came of my dragon to go find my team, but I realised Rose wasn't there.

"Look! Up there!" Travis shouts, pointing at what looks like Rose's dragon, with Rose riding it blindfolded, and someone else with her, a boy, with blue hair, going completely the wrong away, Hawk! It was Hawk!


Hawks POV
Someone spotted us! I tried to keep it low key, so I said "Oh! We're doing the wrong way? Whoops!"

Rose takes her blindfold off, "Woah! How did we get here?!" She asks,
"I don't know, sorry Rose, I forgot where we were ment to go," I told her.

"It's okay, no harm done," she smiles at me, so I smile back.

The dragon flew down and landed on the ground. Ugh! My plan failed! I will just have to find another way.

Wait, what? Another way? For what? Rose? I think my headache is just getting worse.

Vickys POV
I saw Hawk with Rose and the others, squinting his eyes. I go over and grab him by his shoulder, turned him around, and looked him right in the eyes.

His eyes were lighter then before, not the dark purple they were meant to be after I put him under my curse. I turn him back round and walk over to Cyrus and Kira.

"Hawks curse is fading and fast," I tell them.
Kira looks worried and Cyrus looks like he has no idea what's going on.

"I need to make a stronger potion for him to take, it will take a few hours, so you need to keep him busy. Take him to the edge of the Enchanted Forest, where all the villains are, make him see the good in evil. Kira, I'm counting on you," I said.

-After School-

Kiras POV
Vicky said to keep Hawk busy so I'm at Snow White's castle to get Hawk and maybe get some secrets out of him. I knock on the front door.

Hawks POV
I was on my phone after I heard someone knocking on the door, so I went to open it. It was Kira. What is she doing here?

"Kira, why are you here?" I ask,
"Great to see you too," she rolled her eyes at me.
"Sorry, but what are you doing here?" I ask again.
"Just thought we could hang out," Kira said.

Kiras POV
Hawk looked confused. Like he has never seen a girl at his front door before. I'm a bit nervous myself, I have no idea why. I can't let Vicky down.

"I want to show you something," I said.
"Lead the way."

I took him to the edge of the enchanted forest. The scariest part of the forest.
"Uh Kira, why are we here?" Hawk asks.
"Because it's cool, obviously,"
"I don't think we should go in..."
"Common, you scared?!"

He stood silently after that. I started walking until Hawk got scared and followed me.
We walked, deeper and deeper into the forest. It got darker and darker, scarier, I love it!

We arrived at The Villains Hideout. It's a huge hidden tree that can only be reviled and opened by evil magic.

"Ice magic! Reveal The Villains Hideout," I chant.

POOF! A huge old tree appeared in front of us. Hawk stood there with his eyes wide open and his jaw dropped, "Woah, what is it?!" He asks.

"Go in and find out,"



Hellllllooooo thereeee!!! Thank you so much for reading part 5 of Regal Academy: Evil Takes Over ! Im really sorry about updates being slow because of school!!


basically, when Hawk came back, he acted normal until he stared getting confused. He got confused because he was getting his good side back because the potion was wearing off. After Vicky found out about this, she said she was going to make a new potion for Hawk, so, to keep Hawk busy, Kira led him to the scariest part of the Enchanted Forest, to go to The Villains Hideout (I made the concept of The Villains Hideout myself, it's not in any of the episodes in the original Regal Academy series) to meet Vicky and other evil villains.
What's going to happen to Hawk?


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