Chapter 13: Rose's Dream

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-On Earth at Roses House-
(Same day)

Rose's POV
Right now, I'm just lying down on my bed, staring at the ceiling. After what happened today, I'm trying to rest my ankle. I told my mom that I fell and my ankle hit a rock to cover up how I actually hurt it.

I turn to my left and see my Fairytale Collection box in miniature form in the corner of my room.
"Gigi," I say, "please may you pass me my fairytale collection?"
She jumped off the bed and dragged the box to the edge of the bed. I pick it up and use my pumpkin magic to make it go back to its normal size.

I start looking through my Fairytale Collection. So many memories. So many memories with Hawk and the others. My eyes start filling with tears. Gigi jumps on my shoulder and kisses my cheek.
"I know Gigi, we have to be strong," I say, "for everyone's sake."

I smile and fall on my bed, "Common Gigi, let's get some sleep,"


I dreamt that I was in a white room which was endless. I started walking. But I fell. I looked back at my feet; I was pulled back by chains. I got up then the room went dark and I saw visions.

*Vision of Rose leaving the picnic*
"The picnic...?" I say.
*Vision of Kira freezing Hawk; Vicky with her*
Vicky! Kira! I knew it! Poor Hawk.
*Vision of Vicky pouring the potion on Hawk*
Pumpkin seeds....

Other scenes went by; Dragon Riding class, The Villains Hideout, what happened to Fala and what happened to Joy and Astoria. It all clicks! Everything makes sense now!

Suddenly, other pictures started showing. Is that LingLing's Moon Bow? Joy's Bug Ball? Travis' Beast Mask? This doesn't make any sense! Wait, this cant be a antidote? Could it?

I keep watching. Pictures of Astoria's Fire Bangles, Hawk's Mirror Shield and my Glass Slippers appear.

"Rose, this is the last ingredient. Look closely," a voice called out.
"Rose, common," the voice sounded familiar. Something started shaking me.
"Common Rose! We're going to be late for school!" Mom? I open my eyes and looked at the time. We're late, very late.

I jump out of bed, hopping around my room grabbing my bag and my school books. I opened the door and dashed into the kitchen.

"Here," my mum hands me an apple. I reach to take it. Then, the apple reminded me of Hawk.
"I'm not hungry, thanks," I say.

We ran to the ally way and mom put her key in the door. She said the magic words and the gate opened.

"Bye Rose!" Mom called out.
"Bye mom, see you at the gate," I wave with no emotion.

I'm distracted. Whats the last ingredient for the antidote? I need to find LingLing and Travis immediately.

I rush into school, running in the corridors. I turn left and into potions class. I open the door and slowly start walking towards LingLing and Travis. Everyone stops and looks at me.

"Glad you could join us, Rose," Professor LeFrog said, "you haven't missed much. We were just continuing our last lesson about love potions."

I walk over to Travis and LingLing and sit down on my stool. I see them whispering and pointing at Fala.

"Guys, you won't believe what happened last night," I said, "we need that book on evil curses and spells."

They both look at me worryingly. LingLing puts her hand on my shoulder, "You look exhausted," she whispers.

"Meet me in the library at lunch, both of you," I order, "I know how to break the spell."

-At Lunch in the Library-

3rd Person
They all got in there secret corner in the library.

Rose explains everything she saw in her dream. She tells LingLing and Travis about how she saw all of the 7 magic family fairytale items.

"Then I got woken up by my mom, I didn't see the last ingredient," Rose says.

"Forget that! How do we use our family items to make an antidote that might be able to brake the most evil curse ever known to be let out in the fairytale land?!" Travis whisper shouts.

Rose and LingLing look at him annoyed.

"I have no idea, but we have to try," Rose is still confident.

She would never give up on her friends. Her best friends. Her true love....


Thanks for reading part 13 of Regal Academy: Evil Takes Over. Sorry this took so long to upload! Hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to comment and rate! Thanks again!<3

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