Chapter 11: Cinderella Sleepover p2

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Rose's POV
"WHAT?! HOW DID YOU KNOW?!" I shout.

"It's pretty obvious," Joy said.
"We've all seen how you look at him!" Fala said giving me a smile and doing an impression of how I look at Hawk, then the others join in.

I get a little annoyed so I take a pillow and him 'em all! We all laughed.

Fala's POV
My phone buzzes. I look at the caller ID; Vicky Broomstick.

The girls look at me. "Sorry But I have to take this," I said, getting up and walking to the corner of Roses room. I press 'answer';

"Fala, give me some gossip," Vicky said.
"Well, uh, Joys most embarrassing moment was that she fell in front of Esquire, Astoria once got a B in Fairy Fiction in Middle School and-"
"Aaand- Rose likes Hawk," I add.
"Ooooh la la! Pff- I don't care. Just do what I told you to do, okay?" Vicky answers.

In my mind, I'm having so much fun. It's been ages since I've been invited to a party or a sleepover. Now that I'm at one, I'm happy, but Vicky wants me to make people act the opposite way.

If I don't, well, Vicky is so powerful and has access to the gate, who knows what would happen to me, so I answer with, "Of course, I wont let you down, Vicky."


Astoria's POV
I was reading my book when I got a message from Shawn and then realised the time,
"Guys, we have four more minutes until midnight," I say.

If your wondering, Shawns message asked if I was asleep, I answered no and that I was at Roses place. He answered with 'well have fun! xx' which I blushed at.

"At midnight, we have our midnight snacks!" Joy says happily.
At this point, we all got worried, just in case Joy brought her 'special dishes'.

"What's a midnight snack?" LingLing said.
"Snacks that you eat at midnight, obviously! We have brownies, cookies, fruit, and ice cream," Rose said giggling.

-11:59, 5 seconds till midnight-

"5...! 4...! 3...! 2...! 1....!!! Midnight!!" We all shout and cheer! Hooray!

As Rose walks out the door getting the snacks, we all start putting out our sleeping bags.

While fluffing our pillows, Fala stops and starts texting someone, "Who are you texting?" I ask.
"Uh- just someone," Fala says.

I exchanged looks with LingLing and Joy. Fala has been on her phone for half of the sleepover. What's she doing?

Then, her phone starts ringing, "Fala? Is everything okay?" LingLing asks, as Rose walks in the room with a tray full of snacks and drinks.

"I'm fine, stop asking me questions," Fala seemed very, and I mean VERY annoyed at us. She got up and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

Rose cuts the tension, "did I miss anything?"

Fala's POV
Does anyone know the meaning of 'privacy'? I stormed out of the room, went outside and answered my call.

It was Hawk, "Have you done it yet?" He asks.
"No, not yet," I answer.
"Common Fala, stop being so pathetic," Hawk said.
I role my eyes, "I'll show you pathetic," and I hit decline angrily.

3rd Person
Fala storms back in Cinderella Castle and heads to the back room. She gets her backpack from the back of the room and gets out the potion that Vicky gave her.

Fala doesn't know what the bottle contains, but Vicky told her to direct the potion to the others. Fala closes her eyes, shakes and her eyes fill with tears.

One tear falls but she blinks the others away and stays strong.

As she opens her eyes, and caught a glimpse of the potion bottle, she felt a rush of energy go through her.

Her eyes glowed red again. Her one tear disappeared. She felt better, she felt a rush of evil.

A few seconds later, Fala went back to Rose's room to find them eating. She stood still with her head down. LingLing, Joy, Rose and Astoria were all looking at her in worry and anger.

Fala's POV
"Guys, I'm really sorry for storming off like that," I said, but I didn't mean it.

Astoria forgives me, "Oh, it's okay Fala. You know that you can trust us, right?"
"Right... anyway, I'm getting tired, maybe we should get some sleep," I suggest.
"Agreed, even my eyelashes are tired," Joy said.

Rose put the snacks to one side and we all got in our pyjamas.

Everyone's sleeping bags were in rows; Im nearest to the window, Joy next to me, Astoria in the middle, LingLing then Rose.

They all fall asleep fast. But I'm wide awake. It's 3am; the 'spooky hour'. I get up slowly, try to sit down, trying not to make a noise, but I can't help ruffling the sheets a little.

My backpack in next to me, so I open the zip slowly and get the potion out. Hehe! This is it!

I gently open the top and lean to my side, moving myself towards Joy. I drop the potion on Joys cheek; it spreads around her body, making her glow green.

Then I put a drop on Astorias hand; it's spreads around her body to, making her glow purple.

Then, all of a sudden, their eyes opened quickly and glowed red. It's working! Sorry not sorry!

They shook their heads and got up and sat down. Joy rubbed her eyes, "I feel frogtastic!" She whisper shouts.

"Yeah me too! I feel like trashing this place," Astoria said.

IT WORKED!!!! WOOOOOOOPPP! That'll show Hawk.

"Common Guys, let's go," I whisper.
We all got up, got our backpacks and left. (Well, we ran, but ran quietly).

In the middle of the night, we were heading to the Enchanted Forest, to the Villains Hideout, I cast a spell and open the tree door, "Welcome to the Villains side," I say.

We all step inside, the door disappears behind us. "This is awesome!" Joy says.
"I'm excited to work with you, Fala. We both are," Astoria says.
"I'm happy too. VERRY happy," I add.

We sat down at our dining table and I got down to business, "Prime objective; Rose Cinderella,"
They both nod.

We're ready.

Are you?


Thanks again for reading part 11 of Regal Academy: Evil Takes Over ! I'm trying to make the chapters longer so the story would move on a little faster.

Please don't come at me because I've made Joy and Astoria fall into Fala's trap! I do have a happy ending to the story (Or maybe I don't!). Hope you have enjoyed reading!

Regalacademyfan123 for always being so nice and supportive!

And the writer of Operation: Hawk X Rose/Top on #RegalAcademy ANDDD over 6k reads...! original_pixie !!! Thank you for reading my story and supporting!

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