Chapter 7: Changing Teams

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-The next day at Regal Academy-

Roses POV
"AAACHOOOO!" Travis sneezes, again, making a tornado, making us all loose our balance and falling. I start laughing, "Hahaha!!! Again!!"

"Nooo! Please no! Your messing up my hair!" Astoria pleases.

Travis is highly allergic to tiger lilies, and if he gets close to one, he starts sneezing like crazy!

Travis apologies, "Sorry, Astoria, I- aaah... ahhhhhh..... AhhhhH,"
"Oh no, not again!" worried, Joy turns into a frog and jumps into the pond.

It was about time that Travis would sneeze again, "AAAAHHHHHHHGHCH- oh, thanks, LingLing!"

LingLing holds Travis' nose just in time, "Happy to help." She said.

Both of them were blushing, me and Astoria started giggling. Then they started laughing too! We were in the moment but then I realised something.

"Guys... where's Hawk?" I ask.
Everyone stopped laughing. "I don't know," they all said.
"He keeps disappearing...." I said.
"Look! Over there!" Travis points to Vicky's team.
"Vicky's team? What about them?" Astoria asks.
"Look! Hawks with them!" Travis was right!

Joy leaps out the pond, on my head.

LingLing looked serious, "He must be in trouble! Let's go!" So we did. We all ran to Vicky's team.

"What do you think your doing, Vicky?! Let Hawk go!" I demand.
"Chill, who ever you are, I'm in their team, I demanded to move teams, so Granny Cinderella and Granny Snow White let me," Hawk said, "Now shoo."

I just stood there in shock. I looked at the floor upset, "Oh." I walked away, and the others followed.

Vickys POV
"That was harsh, I love it!" I said.

Ever since Hawk took that potion, it's like he's a new improved, evil person! It's brilliant!

"That was the Cinderella, wasn't it?" asks Hawk.
"Yeah. That's the girl we need to get rid of," Kira answered, "Let's call my mom," so that's what she did.

"Kira, what's the evil news?" Answers the Snow Queen.
"We've got-uhh, become friends with Hawk, and he's in our team now, mom," Kira said.

"Excellent! Hawk, your in the best team at Regal Academy you know!" The Snow Queen said, trying to sound 'sweet'.

"Whatever," Hawk replies.

Roses POV
I sat down on the nearest bench, sulking.

What's gotten into Hawk? He's being so mean! And why would he ever move teams?! I'm so upset.

"Don't worry, Rose," Astoria said, "Maybe it's just a phase he's going through."
"Maybe, but can you guys please go..? I want to be alone right now," I said, as the others said okay and walked away.

I just sat there. Thinking about Hawk. What we have gone through, what he has done for me, the adventures we've been on, wasted.

I shed a tear, which turned into two. Next thing I knew, I was sat with my legs in my arms, crying.


Heyyy!! Thank you so much for reading Part 7 of Regal Academy: Evil Takes Over !

Sorry if this chapter was a bit short, just wanted to keep you guys updated. And I know that Rose is a really happy girl but ya know, Hawk just moved teams! Why wouldn't she be sad?!

I will obviously be adding Hase moments in this story because what would be a Regal Academy Fan Finction without some Hase, ama right?! Comment how you are liking the story so far, because I read all comments!!


Whats going to happen to Rose and Hawk?
Did Hawk just ruin their friendship?


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