47. Someone, anyone...

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"V-vanessa... In the nicest way possible, and I mean I'm really trying to be nice here, what the fuck are you doing here?" Zach asked, a slight tone of annoyance in his voice. Vanessa shot him a death glare.

"Jacky hasn't been answering any of my texts or calls" Vanessa idly remarked, stepping past the two boys and inviting herself in.

Zach's face drained from colour. "She's been messaging you and you didn't tell me...?" He mumbled. Jack could sense the pain in his voice. "Zach, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but it's not like I lied about anythi-"

"No, you're right Jack, you didn't lie, but you also weren't truthful, and being dishonest hurts just as much..." Zach numbly stated, bumping into Jack's shoulder as he pushed past him.

"Wait, Zach!" Jack called after him, trying to get Zach to face him. "No Jack, it's fine. Just... see what Vanessa wants, I'll be here waiting for you once you figure things out. Like I ways am..."

Zach gave Jack a weak smile, before tunring and running up the stairs. Jack sighed defeatedly, making his way over to the sofa where Vanessa was already sitting.

"What are you doing here" Jack bitterly spat out. His tone was sharp and cold. "Before you left, you said that when you got back we could talk about us, but you never answered any of my calls or texts..."

"Exactly, Ness. Didn't you get the hint?!" Jack harshly yelled. Vanessa looked down, biting her bottom lip. Jack was being really mean to her...
Even if she pretended to be all tough and unfazed most of the time, it didn't mean she didn't have feelings.

She was not going to allow Jack to see her being weak. She composed herself, acting nonchalant. "If you wanted me to back off then you should have just said, Jack. All you had to do was tell me. By refusing to talk to me and saying nothing you've only made things worse. Don't forget we never even technically broke up yet, we were supposed to talk about it when you came back but you never reached out to me."

"No no, listen here. We are NOT still dating! How could yo-"

"Well I never said that!" Vanessa yelled back, becoming annoyed with Jack. "All I'm saying is that you never broke up with me. You gave me false hope and strung me along like some toy, Jack, and then you cut me off completely, leaving me to wonder what I did wrong, wondering if you mean to blank me or if maybe there's a reason, wondering if maybe there's hope! Well you listen here Jack Avery, I am DONE with you! You're just a petty little boy who doesn't understand that other people have feelings! I don't know why I'd ever have even wanted to be with you in the first place..." By now Vanessa was worked up.

She had let her emotions overrule her actions, but she really couldn't care about her image anymore. She'd admit, she wasn't the best person to others, but she wasn't a complete heartless monster. 

Jack was silent. He looked ashamed for the way he had treated Vanessa. He never even acknowledged what he was really doing to her. Not once did he think about her feelings.

"I'm sorry, Ness. I didn't realise-"

"Save it, Jack. I'm done here. We're done. This is us, officially breaking up."

Vanessa grabbed her purse and turned to storm out of the house when she came face to face with Zach.

"Wh...What?" He questioned, his eyes glossed over. "I heard yelling so I came down to make sure everything was ok.." he muttered, his tone slightly off. "You two weren't broken up?" Zach's eyes looked past Vanessa and locked with Jack's. A guilty expression played on Jack's face.

"I can explain, Zach, it's not what it looks like" Jack blurted, walking up to him. "Why does it even matter anyway?" Vanessa asked Zach, ignoring Jack. "We... We're dating." Zach replied, gulping. Vanessa's eyes widened.

She turned to face Jack, an angry look on her face. "And you didn't have the decency to tell me this? Fuck you Jack,  fuck you..." Vanessa pushed past them both and left the house, slamming the door behind her.

She was done with all the assholes she had in her life. Everyone was so fucking sick and self-interested. What annoyed Vanessa the most wad that she was no different.

Vanessa hopped into her car, slamming the door shut. She hit her steering wheel with her fist, grunting. "I'm fucking done!" She yelled. "With everyone!!"

Vanessa drove home in silence. She wasn't in the mood for music, or happiness. She felt an overwhelming sense of hate for everything around her.

Parking her car, Vanessa rolled down her window sighed. She didn't want to go inside just yet, she just wanted to sit, and think. She closed her eyes, letting her thoughts overtake her.

A loud banging sound brought Vanessa out of her trance. She shot her eyes open, looking to her side where she saw someone had entered her car and was now sitting in the passengers seat.

"Maddie, what the fuck are you doing here?" Vanessa questioned, clearly irritated. "Oh, and by the way, since you are Zach's ex girlfriend, I think you should know that he's FUCKING GAY!" Vanessa yelled, looking out of her window. There was a long pause of silence. Vanessa turned to face Maddie, and she finally noticed her appearance. Her hair was dishelved, and there was mascara dripping down her face from crying.

"The fuck is wrong with you?" Vanessa asked, taken aback by her manic appearance. Maddie burst into tears. "You have to help me, I have no one left, I don't know what to do" Maddie choked out through her sobs.

"Why the fuck would i help you, Maddie? You're a bitch. I don't have time for your fucking problems, I have my own! Get the fuck out of my car!"

"Please, you have to help me. I have no one!" Maddie cried, her tears flowing down her stained cheeks.

"Get. Out. Of. My. Car." Vanessa seethed through gritted teeth. Maddie whimpered, slowly opening the door and getting out. Vanessa sped off at full speed, barely giving Maddie enough time to close the door.

Maddie watched the car drive away, getting smaller and smaller, until eventually it vanished into the distance. Biting down on her bottom lip, she suppressed another meltdown. A tear silently rolled down her left cheek. "I'm pregnant..." She whispered.

If you forgot anything from previously (cause there characters haven't been in the story for a long while) or if you just have any questions, you can ask anything in the comments. 🤠

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