15.He's MINE!

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Jonah's p.o.v.

I sat in the car, keeping a watchful eye on Jack. Vanessa clambered in and stat next to Jack, much to Zach's dislike. I crossed my arms and huffed. I was happy they were getting along again, but I was yet to forgive or forget what I had been told about Jack. I was brought out of my thoughts by Corbyn sitting next to me. I can't believe it, it's Corbyn!! I suddenly realised that I had been so invested in Zach that I had completely neglected all thought of Corbyn! And I'd left him all to Daniel! I knew Dani was after him just as much as I was, and I practically handed Corbyn to him!! I put my hand on his leg possessfully, and shot a glare at Daniel who was sitting to the other side of him. Daniel shot the glare back, putting his arm around Corbyn's shoulders and pulling him close, making Corbyn's head lean on his shoulder. He sniggered at my displeased expression. He may have won the battle, but I will win the war. He thinks that his cute looks, his adorable smile, his dazzling blue eyes, his soft, sweet voice...his- I'm getting of track here. If he thinks his god-like perfection will woe MY Corbear over, then he's wrong. I can't help but let myself steal a glance of Daniel. I know I shouldn't think this when my Corbear is sitting next to me, but Daniel truly does look great with the light of the sun set dancing over his face. He looks beautiful in any lighting. I shrugged of my thoughts, trying to centre my mind back to Corbyn. "Hey Corbear" I cooed, making Corbyn giggle. Daniel shot daggers at me. He began to talk and Corbyn diverted his attention to him. As he went on rambling about the party, I couldn't help but think of how I would get back at him. He thought he was such a big and tough guy, but I was the alpha male here.

When we finally arrived at the party, it was already quite late and dark outside. As we were getting out of the car to enter the house party, I pulled Daniel aside. He tried to pull away but I grabbed his shirt so our faces were only inches apart. He gulped and timidly looked in to my eyes, but his gaze trailed down to my lips. He quickly noticed and looked back into my eyes. I leaned towards his ear and whispered in to it. "Careful Dani, if you're a bad boy, I might have to punish you..."

fear was evident in Daniel's eyes, along with something else... was it...desire? He turned a deep shade of red, and let his eyes glance back down to my lips, and hover over my other features. To be honest, seeing Daniel so flustered made me really worked up, and if I didn't get away quick, I wouldn't be able to resist his perfect, warm soft lips.. I was already practically melting under his gaze. What I had to remember was, this was just feelings of lust. Sure, I wanted to bang Daniel so good and hard, but I loved Corbyn..right? I wanted to cuddle Corbyn, and make him tea, and kiss his forehead. And that meant more...didn't it? All these mixed feelings of love and lust were messing with me. If I just focused on Corbyn, maybe I'd be less confused, and whatever I had started feeling with Daniel would go away. I walked up to the house, noticing as I entered that it was packed with people dancing and drinking. I maneuvered my way through the strangers to try and find a familiar face. I eventually spotted Jack, talking to.. Vanessa. The man-stealing hoe ass bitch.

Zach's p.o.v.

We all clambered out of the car, and I sped off in to the house, eager to find Madeleine. I couldn't bear the weight I was carrying around anymore, and I just wanted to get breaking up with her done with as quickly as possible. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jonah pull Daniel aside. I was in too much of a rush to question it. Vanessa called from behind me. "Hey Zach, wait up!" I groaned and swivelled around, walking back towards her and Jack. "You guys will never guess what, but this is actually my BEST FRIENDS HOUSE! Isn't that crazy?!? It's just such a coincidence! I also find it kind of weird that she's even throwing a party in the first place.. she's really not that kind of person." I gave a fake smile and nodded all the way through her rambling, desperate to get it over with. She finally stopped talking, and I took this as my opportunity to finally escape.

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 | 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐲 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now