31. I'm gay.

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This is a sort of "warning". A bit of a frisky disky scene ahead, but I tried not to make it too hot n heavy.

Zach's p.o.v.

After all my years of life, I had finally understood what it meant to be close to someone. To feel love in its true form. To cease to conform to what I was not, and never would be.

And as the kiss deepened, it dawned on me that I had never been more exposed as who I truly was. I was finally being me. And I was doing so loud and proud.

I pulled away from the kiss, leaving Jack momentarily confused. He searched my face for answers, yet it didn't take long for me to blurt out the words I could not bring myself to hold back.

"Jack, I'm gay."

Jack tried to suppress his smile, but he burst out laughing, right in my face. I frowned at him, crossing my arms. I swung my leg around to get off from his lap. Jack was still rolling about, in fits of laughter to the point of tears.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Zach" he said, wiping a tear as his laughter died out. "It's just," he continued. "Obviously I know you're gay!"

He had a point. I mean, I did already tell him I was gay, and proclaim my love for him, and kiss him...

"But I just wanted to make it clear, say it directly and out loud." I pouted my lips at him, showing my annoyance at him.

"You're right, I'm sorry" he said, pulling me back on to his lap. I was still a bit annoyed at him for laughing at me, so I sighed as I ran my fingers through his curly locks of hair.

"Zach, there's something I need to tell you..." Jack spoke in a grave voice. My heart sank, desperately wondering what I did wrong. He seemed so serious.

"And, wh-what's that..." I asked, not entirely wanting to know the answer.

Jack looked deep in to my eyes. "I am incredibly gay for you, Zachary Dean Herron".

Once again, Jack was laughing at me. He had fooled me. I playfully hit his arm, now laughing too.

"You're such a jerk, Jack! I was so scared!!" I exclaimed, still laughing.
"You know you love me" Jack teased, chuckling.

"I do..." I softly spoke. Jack's eyes softened, a small smile forming on his lips. "I do love you Jack. I really do." I spoke clearly now. I wanted him to hear me.

"I love you Jack, and I want the world to know it. I'm not ashamed of loving you, I never will be. Loving you is the greatest thing to have ever happened to me, and I want you to know that."

For a moment Jack just stared at me, his eyes deeply filled with emotion, before he roughly collided our lips. I kissed back, my hands entangled in his curls.

I understood why people described kissing as melting, because I melted in to Jack. Our lips molded together, as if they were made to kiss, and I dissolved into his touch, as if we were made to love.

And deeper I fell, into the way we moved in sync, and deeper I fell, into the way he made me feel.

After running for so long from the thing I craved most, to embrace it was the sweetest taste. So sweet that I craved more and more with every kiss, and I longed for Jack.

I could tell the feeling was mutual, as Jack's kiss became more lustrous, fuelled with the same burning heat and passion that coarsed through me.

The kiss began to escalate, the heat venturing to my lower region. I began go feel nervous as I started getting a little hard. With Jack's body pressed against mine, he had definitely felt it. I pulled away from the kiss and blushed a little, embarrassed.

"Did I do something wrong?" Jack asked, nervous.

"N-no, it's not that.." I gulped. "It's more so that you were doing everything a little too well...". My cheeks were flushed dark crimson. I looked away from Jack, too embarrassed to look at him.

He got the message and looked down. "Zach, why are you embarrassed?" He laughed, pulling my face to face him. He tilted my head down so that my vision was directed at.. Oh. It wasn't just me who had one...

"Why d'you have that..." I asked, not knowing what to say.

Jack chuckled. "Cause you're fucking amazing and turn me on like hell you dingus!"

I couldn't suppress the smile that had swept across my face. "You don't mean that..." I muttered playfully, lightly blushing.

"I mean that as much as I mean it when I say I love you. Which, to put it in to perspective, is the greatest truth these two lips of mine have ever spoken." He caressed my face, bringing me back in to the kiss.

Jack moved so that he was on top of me, hovering over. He began kissing down my chest, and I became increasingly flustered. I arched my back in pleasure as Jack got lower and lower. When he reached my pants I expected him to stop, but he slowly began to unbutton and zip them.

Nerves began to flutter inside of my stomach and heat rose to my cheeks as Jack slowly and teasingly began to pull down my boxers. "J-jack..." I gasped.

"Is it...ok?" He asked. I nodded eagerly. He finished pulling down my boxers and my length sprung up.

"Wow, you're a lot bigger than I expected..." he said with a smirk. I was happy that he couldn't see my face as I was blushing with embarrassment. He slowly began to pump his hand up and down my length, licking the tip.

"Oh, daddy" I moaned. I suddenly realised what I had said and brought my hands up to my face to hide me from the shame.

Jack moved up towards my face and removed my hands, chuckling.

"I'm sorry" I began. He smiled at me. "No, I liked it. I really liked it". He stared intensely into my eyes. "Zach...do you think you're ready to..." he trailed off, not finishing his sentence. He didn't have to, I knew what he was asking.

I didn't even have to think before answering yes. I loved Jack, but that wasn't my only reason. I needed Jack. I needed the feeling of him against me, I craved it.

He began to leave gentle kisses down my delicate skin, again reaching my lower half. Without warning, he entered a finger into me.

I reacted to the shock by gasping. "Are you ok??" He asked. I nodded. "Just surprised, that's all." He continued.

"You know what? This isn't so ba- AH FUCK!" He entered two more fingers inside me. At first a felt a slight pain, but that soon subdued. Now all that was left was pleasure.

"In going to enter you now" Jack informed me. I gulped nervously. "Haha, no need to address it so formally" I joked, trying to lighten the mood. He chuckled, smiling at me.

I positioned myself, ready for him. Slowly, he began to enter me. I yelped out in pain. "Are you ok? Did I hurt you?" He questioned, worried. "N-no, it's fine, just cont- AH!"

Jack moved away, coming up to me to make sure I was ok. "Zach I'm so sorry! I hurt you, didn't I?" My cheeks went red. Well done Zach, the boy you love was about to fulfil your dreams and you had to go and ruin it. "I'm sorry..." I whispered under my breath.

"Zach, what are you saying sorry for? There's nothing wrong with what happened." I looked down, embarrassed. He kissed my forehead.

"Maybe we can just...cuddle?" I looked up at him and saw a smile plastered on his face. "I would love that"

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