4. Letters to Jack

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"Zach. Zaaaach. ZACH!!"

I suddenly snapped back to reality. "hmm?" I looked at Madelaine, puzzled.

"I said, did you comment on my recent post? Gosh Zach, you need to start paying attention to the things that actually matter."

I stared at Madelaine blankly. Is that really what she just asked me? Sometimes I wonder if I find Madelaine irritating because of how superficial she is, or if its just because I'm stuck in a relationship with her, even though I'm gay. NO! I MEAN STRAIGHT! I'M STRAIGHT! Yeah, totally strai-


Ugh, that annoying shrill voice of hers makes me want to bash my brains in. Sending her a fake smile, I nod along as if I'm paying attention. In reality, I was secretly devising a plan to escape.

Much to my dismay, the date drags on, and her whiny voice is on the verge of giving me a sharp migraine. I decide I can't take anymore and get up to leave. "I'm sorry Mads, I've got to go now. I've got...band practise...." I say, half-convincingly. I turn to go but hear her running after me. Why is it so hard to escape this woman?!

She grabs my wrist hard and jerks it, stopping me from going. "ouch!" I yelp in pain, turning to face her. "Zaaaachy" she said harshly. "Aren't you going to give me a kiss goodbye?"

I hesitantly leaned in and pecked her lips before finally loosening myself from her tight grasp and speeding off the first chance I get. Why am I so weird about kissing and affection? Because you like guys, Zach. Whaaaaat no I don't. Yes you do.

I arrive home and walk through the door to see Corbyn laughing to himself, eating a bar of chocolate. "hey Corbs, can I-" before I even have a chance to speak, Corbyn cuts me off, swatting my hand away in the process. "No! Daniel gave this chocolate to ME, not to YOU!"

I shrugged my shoulders, backing off. "Alright, I'll go se if he has some more..."

I run up the stairs to Daniel's room, but as I go to open the door I hear something. Confused by the sound, I stand there and try to hear what's going on. "Uh, Corbyn...." Wait a second....what? Did he just... No, no. I must be mistaken.

I open the door and instantly regret doing so, as I see Daniel 'in action', Jerking off, moaning Corbyn's name. Daniel sees me, and we make eye contact as he scrambles to cover himself up.

I'm scarred for life, that's an image I'll never forget. I run out of his room, slamming the door behind me. I don't even want to know why he was moaning Corbyn's name. that was all just so..disturbing.

I go to open the door to my room only to see Jack in it. He looks like he just saw a ghost.

"Hey Jack, what are yo-"

Before I could finish my sentence, he bolted out of my room. My eyes followed him out, questions beginning to circulate my mind. With a heavy sigh, I decide to just brush it off.

To be honest, I don't even want to know what he was doing. I've had enough of walking in on people doing things they shouldn't be. I walk over to my bed before faceplanting on to it, feeling defeated from the long day.

what...just...happened. in about the span of a minute, I saw a lot of things I'd like to forget. That was all very... wow. I take a minute to recover my thoughts before sitting up and staring blankly at my desk. Suddenly, a smile appears on my face. I walk over to my desk and sit down, before grabbing a pen and paper.

No one knows this, but sometimes, to get my feelings out, I write poems, or love letters to Jack. I know it's cheesy, and embarrassing, but it helps. Of course I would never DARE send them. I always make sure to destroy them, and leave no trace. I pour my heart out in to this letter. When I'm done, I start to read over it.

"I love you. I love you so, so much. Your smile is the brightest light. Your eyes the deepest, most enticin-"


I was cut off by Corbyn yelling my name from downstairs.

"COOOMING" I shouted. I placed the note back on my desk and ran downstairs to see what Corbyn wanted.

What do you guys think? let me know by leaving a comment.

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 | 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐲 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now