13. Oh, you again?

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Jonah's p.o.v.

"Hey, Jonah, isn't that our adress?"

I leaned over Zach to see the adress on the girl's phone. Sure enough, it was ours. "oh, I'm sorry, I thought Jack lived there" the girl shyly said. I noticed Zach's face fall at the mention of Jack's name. "You're going there to see Jack?" he said, slightly taken aback and hurt. She nodded eagerly. "Well, we were just gonna get some food and head back. You can come with us". I looked at Zach, proud of what he had said. He was trying to move on and get over Jack. The girl thanked Zach and hopped in to the back seat. We went to chipotle and ate with the girl, who we discovered was called Vanessa.

Zach's p.o.v.

"So, do you two have girlfriends?" I looked up at Vanessa, sitting at on the opposite side of the table before looking over at Jonah, who looked like he was about to laugh. It's not Vanessa's fault that she doesn't know I'm gay. I clear my throat before beginning to speak. "No, I don't have a......WAIT A FUCKING SECOND!!!" I shot a panicked look at Jonah who could no longer restrain his laughter. I now realised he wasn't laughing because I was GAY, but because I had a girlfriend and I completely forgot about her for the best part of a month!!! MADELAINE!!!!!

A p.o.v. from a character who's been M.I.A. since the first chapter.. MADELAINE!!

I woke up to a sharp pain stabbing in my head. I winced and held it in my hands. It was so bright that I struggled to open my eyes. When I finally did, I saw empty bottles of alcohol sprawled all over the foreign room. I silently scolded myself as I looked over and saw the naked figure next to me. No Madelaine, not again. I silently slipped out of the bed and grabbed for a t-shirt on the ground in an attempt to cover myself. I sniffed it and immediately regretted, holding it as far away from me as possible. I scanned the room to look for any other possible forms of coverage but saw nothing except a pair of boxers on the floor. I scowled and reluctantly put my only option, the shirt, on. I looked all over for my phone before finally finding it wedged between the side of the bed and the mattress. I turned it on and squinted at the bright light. When my eyes adjusted better, I saw that it was 1:50 pm. I checked all my messages.

Boo: hey baby where are you why aren't you home yet?   yesterday 10:03 pm

Side boo: hey baby, my place tomorrow   Yesterday 11:52 pm

Side boo #2: Hey where were you today you missed our breakfast date??   Today 12:24 am

Boo: Hey you didn't come home last night I'm worried are you ok baby?    Today 01:36 pm

Booty call: Hey I miss you I want you..... YEH, WANT YOUR ASS!!    Today 01:48

I sighed. Juggling all these men is so hard on me and stressful, ugh why cant life just be easy, I'm such a good person.

I looked over at what was just another one of my meaningless hook-ups and left, not at all guilty. I considered the complete process of sex art. Its like a game you can play as many times as you want to, in as many ways as you want to. The chase, the danger, the fun, the pleasure, its all too good... and you can go about it as many times as you want. You can play hard to get, you can play eager, you can play sexy and you can play cute... you can be whoever you want. Having sex with different people lets you BE different people. You can change how someone sees you... who you are to them... and in that stranger's mind, you will always live in their memory as the person they saw you as. You can be someone else in someone's mind. I like to believe I have a very intricate thought process. Ehee, I'm so smart.

I walked down the stairs, stepping over passed out people from the part the night before. Whoever's place this was, I felt bad for them. It was a complete mess. I suddenly saw something that looked familiar on the ground. It was my dress. Great...


I looked down at my phone to see a message.

Boo I occasionally use for fame: MADELAINE OMG I AM SO SO SO SORRY!!!!    Now

I looked down confused. Who was this?


He was calling me. I sighed and picked up.


Omg, Maddie!!!! It's me!!



It suddenly came to me. It was Zach, one of my distant side side chicks. He was on tour and travelling a lot, so he wasn't too hard to maintain and easy to forget. Great opportunity for practically free clout though.

Ohhhhh yeeaaahhhh babyyyyyyy, hehehe. I haven't heard from you in a while!

I know, I'm soooo so sorry I'm the worst boyfriend EVER!!!!!! I promise I'll do ANYTHING to make it up to you!!

I suddenly realised Zach thinks he's my only boyfriend. He must think I've been moping around waiting for him to call. If I don't act sad, he'll be suspicious.

Oh... yeah...I was really....worried....

I know baby! Just tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it!

I panicked and looked around me for ideas. All I saw was drunk people sprawled everywhere after the aftermath of a party. I knew I needed to say something quickly.

Uuuuh.... Oh! I know what you can do...! How about you.....uhm....uhm....uhm....come to a party with me...?

I stayed silent, hoping that didn't sound like an odd and suspicious request.

Ok! Sure baby! I'll bring the boys! Also I need to talk to you about something..

Ok, well, I've got to go, but I'll text you the details and see you there!

I abruptly hung up before letting either one of us say goodbye. I sighed, my head still pounding from my hangover. Great, now I'd have to attend another party.

Zach's p.o.v.

Hello? Hello??

I set my phone down. She must have hung up. I look over towards Jonah. "How do you fancy a party tonight?" He looked over at me as if he was a pround father, tears almost brimming his eyes. "Zach, I'm just so proud of you. You're really putting yourself out there, and you're really trying to improve. It just makes me so happy to see you YOU again." I looked down smiling, a bit embarrassed. I quickly tried to change the topic, noticing Vanessa looked a bit awkward and out of place. "Hey, Vanessa, why don't you come too?" She looked at me, and then at Jonah, as if asking for approval. "If you and the guys don't mind, then I guess so. It sounds like a lot of fun!" I smiled, happy to have made someone else happy, before remembering what I had planned to do tonight. "Zach, are you sure you're ok with doing it alone tonight?" Jonah had leaned in and was whispering to me, concerned. I raised an eyebrow at him. "What, do you want to come hold my hand while I break up with my girlfriend because I'm gay?" I said, quietly scoffing. I looked over to make sure Vanessa hadn't heard me say I'm gay. She didn't. "Fair enough" he said, finishing his food. We all left to go home. On the drive there, I sat in the back seat with Vanessa and filled her in on all the things she needed to know about the boys.

Jack's p.o.v.

I heard the door finally open and rushed to see who it was. Strangely enough, I saw all three people I was expecting to see walk in at once... together... Vanessa

Hey guyssssss. I know Madelaine has been really M.I.A. in this story and it was probs a bit shocking to find out shes a bit of a hoey. This story has been really bad, but I swear it gets better EXTREMELY soon. I never get any comments which makesme a bit sad :( but I understand not a lot of people read/enjoy this story so it's ok, I understand. I have much better ideas and concepts for other stories that I'll be writing after this one is completed.

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