20. Is Jachary real?

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Jonah's p.o.v.

We all pilled out of the van, half awake and looking like we had just rolled out of bed. Mostly because that was the case, with all of us wearing grey sweats and large hoodies. All of us, apart from Zach, had untidy messy hair. Zach didn't particularly feel like doing his hair, but management insisted on it. The fans knew how much pride Zach in the appearance oh his hair, and they would 'surely know' something was wrong with Zach if he let himself go. Management seriously needs to sort its priorities out. I mean, god forbid the fans ever knew we felt human emotions too, and that sometimes we could be anything but happy. That would be the worst thing ever, wouldn't it David? I scoffed, wheeling my suitcase through the airport doors.

As we proceeded further in to the airport, we were met by a large group of fans. I grinned as we made our way over to them. I always enjoyed getting to meet fans and see the people who did nothing but make me happy every day and enable me to live out my dream with endless support and love from them. It was nice to be able to give something back, considering all they do for me.

I hugged a fan, picking her up and lightly spinning her. As I pulled away, she laughed at me. I looked at her in confusion as she reached a hand up to my hair. "Your hair's a mess" she said as she ran a hand through it, straightening it out. I blushed in embarrassment, sheepishly shy of my appearance. I glanced over at Daniel to see him glaring at the fan, realising he must've thought I was blushing because of HER, not because I  was embarrassed. I caught Daniel's eye and shot him a cheeky wink, loving being able to tease him. He glanced away, irritated after noticing he'd been caught staring, and re-directed his focus on one of the fan's around him. I continued looking at him, a light smirk etched on my face as I watched that beautiful boy bounce around, his happiness and positive nature radiating off of him.

I was drawn from my trance as I felt a small presence beside me. I looked down to see Zach smiling up at me, holding on to my arm. We interacted with the group of fans gathered around us, until one limelight asked a question. "Hey Zach, why haven't we seen much Jachary lately?" Zach froze and fearfully looked up at me. I searched my mind for the words to say. I stumbled out with whatever words came to mind, disregarding what I was actually saying. "Uh...well, sometimes we like to keep the more personal and private parts of our lives more secret". I immediately regretted my words. "Oh my gosh are you saying JACHARY IS REAL?!?!?!" she loudly squealed. All the fans gasped and swarmed around us. "We have to go!" I shouted to them as I grabbed Zach's hand and led him through the crowd.

I pulled Zach through the crowd and towards our boarding gate. Since we travelled on a private jet, no one else was there.

We flung our passports and boarding tickets at the stewardess standing there, who scrambled to grab them and check them. "Why are you boys in such a hurry?" She asked, slightly flustered. Me and Zach looked at each other, panicking. "We really can't stay here cause of...." I trailed off, not knowing what to say.

Zach, without hesitation, turned and swiftly kicked me in the shin, sending a sharp pain through it. I yelped, grabbing my leg in pain. "Ahh, what the hell Zach?!?" Zach turned to the stewardess, collecting back our passports. "Sorry we're in such a rush, Jonah hurt his leg!" She nodded and let us through. Zach grabbed on to my hand and practically dragged me through. I proceeded with a slight limp from my now injured shin.

Once we were on the plane, Zach took a sigh of relief and sat down in one of the seats. "Um, yeah, first of all, WHAT THE FUCK ZACH! OUT OF ALL THE THINGS YOU COULD'VE DONE, YOU KICK ME IN THE FREAKING SHIN?!??!" I huffed and annoyedly sat down on the seat facing him. "I'm sorry, I panicked!" He squeaked. "Besides, I'm not the one who told the fans JACHARY WAS REAL. Which, it's not by the way..." he looked away, slightly hurt. "Look Zach, I'm sorry. I deserved that kick. I never meant to make things worse than they already are, it's my fault." My eyes were softly glancing at the sad, broken boy in front of me. Zach sniffed and refused to make eye contact with me, instead staring at his shuffling feet. "It's not your fault Jonah, and if it is, well...then it's mine too!" He looked up at me, and I gave him a kind sympathetic smile. He smiled back, feeling a bit better.

We turned our heads at the clatter of footsteps and suitcases coming up the stairs. Daniel entered, a confused expression playing on his face. "Hey guys, what was all that about? You just leave all of a sudden?" He stepped in, followed by Corbyn and Jack. I looked past the two boys in front to see Jack, his life and energy drained from his unhappy face. He took a glance over at me and Zach, scoffing and lightly rolling his eyes at the sight of us. I played on his reaction and reached out to grab Zach's hand, hoping to make Jack even more jealous. I noticed him looking at us out of the corner of his eye and took this opportunity to pull Zach from opposite me and pull him on to my lap. He fell on to me with a soft giggle escaping his lips, surprised at the gesture. I smiled widely, forgetting about my motives of hurting Jack and instead focusing on Zach. Making him happy made my world light up. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek, and he nuzzled his head in to my shoulder.

Daniel's p.o.v.

I hid my displeasure at the sight of Jonah all over someone that wasn't me. I situated my suitcase in the cabinet above my seat and sat in it, noticing the private jet was about to take off. My seat was on the opposite side of the plane... as far away from Jonah as possible. It was as if he'd been trying to make me jealous all day, first with the fan and now with Zach! I knew that me and Jonah weren't really a thing, and that we were only supposed to have a friends with benefits type deal, but...that's my man. I had to do something about it!

"Hey, Jonah? Can I speak to you for a second?" I asked, nodding my head towards the bathroom and walking there, indicating for him to follow. Through my peripheral vision I noticed Jonah smirk as he got up. I rolled my eyes and held the door to the small bathroom open, waiting for him to enter.

Once we were both inside, I closed the door behind us, squeezing in to the small space. To create more room, I hopped up on to the counter. Jonah leaned in to kiss me, but a placed a hand on his chest and pushed him away. "We need to talk, Jonah." Jonah  raised his eyebrows, a confused expression playing on his face. "I just want to make something clear. I know we have this... whatever it is between us until one of us gets Corbyn, but I'm not just some rug you can walk all over! I'm going to need some rules if this is going to work between us. Rule 1, NO flirting with other people! Rule 2, still be my friend and hang out with me, rule 3-" Jonah cut me off.

"May I make a rule?" he asked, walking in to the space between my legs. I gulped, nervous. I could feel the heat rising, and my past confidence had melted away. I nodded in response, too lost for words. He leaned in towards my ear. "Do you want to know what my rule is?" he whispered in to my ear. His warm breath sent cold shivers down my spine. He pulled back to face me. By now I was filled with a burning need for him. I let out a small whine, desperate for him. I opened my mouth to say something, but before I could even get a word out, his lips were smashed against mine.

I'm really  sorry I haven't been updating a lot but I got to go to a wdw concert and then stayed with my friend for a few days cause she flew out here. I never thought I would ever be able to go to one of their concerts, but I did, and it was such an amazing experience :)

Love you all, can't wait to read your hilarious comments and input 😂

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