25. Little cafe

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Jack's p.o.v.

Me and Zach were running down the street hand in hand. The rain was no longer a drizzle, but instead was now pelting down on us, completely soaking us. We were cold and drenched, but laughing as we turned corners and ran through alleys in the grey storm.

We stopped for a moment, laughing as we caught our breath. Zach was doubled over, his hands on his knees. I paused my laughing for a moment, the only noise being my heavy breathing and Zach's soft giggles through the thundering rain.

Even if just for a minute everything stopped. In that exact moment, I watched Zach, with nothing but love in my heart. It was as if everything was in slow motion, and I never wanted to press play.

I wanted to stay in that moment forever, running through the rain with the boy I will never be able to stop loving. The boy that made me laugh, the boy that made me happy. The boy that made me feel things I'd never felt. He's always had my heart, and he always will, till the very day I die.

Zach looked up at me, his soft brown eyes melting me. I felt warm and fuzzy inside, even through the icy rain landing on my skin.

I was brought out of my daze when I heard a sniffle come from Zach. Immediately panicking, I frantically stepped close to him and ripped off my jacket, wrapping it around him. There was no way I would let my baby become sick! "We have to get out of the rain!" I exclaimed, grabbing his cold hand and dragging him down a street. Where we were was pretty deserted, but we soon stumbled upon a tiny, cosy little cafe.

I opened the door for him, leading him in. Closing the door behind us, he shook of the soaking jacket. I was hit by a blast of hot air, contrast to my frozen face. It was so warm inside that my hands went red from the sudden change. Zach lifted his hands to his rosy cheeks, trying to warm them up.

Looking around the cafe, I noticed it was  completely empty. Not a single staff member to be seen. It was small and old fashioned, the tables and counters a light wood, and, at the right wall, centre, an adorable little fireplace. I moved closer towards it, dragging Zach along. We both crouched down close to it, extending our cold hands towards the heat in hopes of warming them up.

"Why hello there boys!"

Me and Zach squealed, turning around to see who was behind us. It was a little old lady, wearing an apron. "Im sorry! Didn't mean to frighten you lads there!" I swallowed harshly, a little embarrassed that an innocent old lady had scared the schnitzel out of me. Zach's little cheeks flushed red as he looked down.

"What can I get you two little fellows?" Zach looked over at me, not knowing what to say. "Umm, whatever's fine..." the lady gave a mischevious smile, grinning. "I know exactly what to get you lads! Sit right there, and I'll fix you a cupper."

Me and Zach obliged, taking a seat at one of the few small wooden tables. Everything in here was so cosy and homely... like a little section of the world that was cut off from the rest. Nothing but a warm fire, Zach and I...

I snapped out of my daze at the sound of two cups being placed on to the table. "Enjoy your hot chocolates, sweeties." She said, pinching Zach's cheek before pottering off. I snorted at the sight of Zach, looking young and shy.

"Oh wow!" Zach exclaimed, raising up his large mug. I looked down at my own, pleasantly surprised to see a large mug of hot chocolate with whipped cream, marshmallows and a little candy cane decoratively placed. To say it looked not only beautifully presented but also delicious was an understatement. I lifted my mug and cheersed Zach, before both taking a long gulp of the warm chocolatey liquid.

As Zach lowered his mug to the table, I burst out laughing. He shot me a look of confusion, not knowing he had a whipped cream moustache. I chuckled, indicating to his top lip, and he raised his hand only to find he had gotten whipped cream all around his mouth. He tried to wipe it all off, but missed a spot.

"Here, you missed a spot.." I said as I leaned across the table to wipe the cream at the corner of his mouth. I held his cheek in my hand as my thumb wiped away the cream for his lip, letting it linger there for just a moment. In that moment, time truly did stop as we looked in to each other's eyes, the connection to deep to break. I caught myself leaning in, before I quickly restrained myself. I can't help how I feel about Zach, and I can't make him feel the same way. I just don't understand how one second he's giving me all these vibes and then the next he's giving mixed signals. One thing I know for sure; he still didn't trust me. I could see it in his eyes, the way they captured his pain as a memory of my mistakes crossed his mind. I only did what I did because I love him, and he hurt me.

I sighed, leaning back in my chair. Just a few days ago Zach hated my guts; never even wanted to talk to me again. And now here we were, sharing moments together in a cafe.

I stared down at the ground, kicking at my feet. I guess it was obvious I was down, because the most marvellous thing happened. I felt a hand reach out and grasp mine, holding it tight. I looked up to see the sweet smile of the  boy I couldn't help but love.

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 | 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐲 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now