28. Maybe I'm just in love

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Jack threw his suitcase on to the double bed, huffing and exhausted. I timidly looked around the room; mostly standard, except for the fact it was scattered with red rose petals, with a bottle of champagne on the side of the big double bed...

I blushed at the thought of me and Jack sleeping together. My attention snapped back to Jack at the sound of him clearing his throat.

"I'll go grab us some dry towels from the bathroom, you can get us some clothes from my bag." I nodded, walking over to his suitcase while he walked in to the bathroom, leaving the door ajar.

I tried to focus on the one simple task I had, but my eyes wandered around the room. I looked back down at the suitcase, beginning to open it, but I couldn't stop my eyes from fluttering up towards the bathroom door just in time to see the beautiful, majestic scene play before me.

Jack reached down to the hem of his hoodie, slowly pulling it up over his head and taking it off. My stomach was doing flips at just the sight. "Yes daddy" I whispered under my breath as I took in the sight.

He took a towel and began to dry his curls, ruffling them slightly. I couldn't rip my gaze away from him, my eyes fixated on his bare chest, his beautifully lightly toned definition. As he turned around, his eyes briefly met with mine through the tiny crack of the door.

I ripped my eyes away immediately, my cheeks burning red. I had been caught. I noticed the door being pushed gently shut.

I sighed, taking note that I had definitely been caught creepily staring by Jack.

It's probably for the best anyways. He's made his message clear; he only wants to be friends. I should know this by now, and accept it. In everything he's done he's tried to make it clear to me and get it through my thick head!

The things he's done have all made his message clear; him clearly rejecting me and even going as far to avoid me, kissing Vanessa right in front of me and DATING her...

Why else would he of done all of it? It's what he's always wanted, and tried to make clear... now it's time for me to do the same.

Sighing, I pushed my thoughts away and tried to focus on anything but the things I was telling myself.

I unzipped and opened his suitcase, looking for his hoodies. Seeing them, I pulled one out, but as I did so, a slip of paper fell to the ground. I frowned in confusion, bending over to pick it up.

I unfolded it to see a picture of... oh. my. god.

My breath hitched in my throat, my hands shaking and I let it go, watching it flutter down to the floor in shock. It was at this moment Jack walked out, drying his hair with a towel. "Hey did you find it-" he paused, following my gaze down to the battered piece of paper on the floor. The drawing of me and him... together.

His face went pale, and he stared at me with fear. "Zach... you don't understand... please just listen to me" he was alarmed, panicking. I shot him a pained glare and stormed out of the room, feeling the freezing air hitting my face.

The icy rain stormed down on me, harshly hitting my warm skin. I shuddered in the freezing weather, but continued storming away, anger boiling inside me.

How many times will I let this boy play with my emotions and break my heart? Does he find satisfaction in destroying me over and over again?

"Wait Zach!" I turned around to see Jack calling after me, now wearing his dry, warm hoodie and holding another. He tossed the one in his hand at me and I caught it, rolling my eyes.

I may be angry at him, but I was also freezing my tits off! I slipped it on.

Jack took a step towards me but I held my hands out indicating for him to stop. "No Jack, don't come near me" I shouted to be heard over the intensely loud pelting of rain and roaring of thunder.

I just didn't understand. Why was he doing this? Why was he luring me in to a false sense of security only to break my heart over and over again? It was clear now he never wanted to send me a clear message. All he ever wanted to do was hurt me. I couldn't take it anymore, I was done with him and all the pain he had caused me  I felt hot tears streaming down my face as I released all the anger and hurt building up inside me.

"How many times are you gonna break me, Jack? Am I amusing to you? Do you enjoy seeing me break, seeing me hurt? Is this all just a little game to you? Am I just a little game to you? Because I can't take it anymore, Jack.. I'm sick of being screwed over by you, and I'm sorry I ever..."

loved you.

I sniffed and wiped away a tear, trying to hold myself together. I was soaked and freezing.

"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S BROKEN!? YOU!?" He hollered, booming with rage. "ALL I'VE EVER WANTED IS FOR YOU TO LOVE ME, ZACH.." He lowered his voice, but it was still loud enough to hear over the rain. His face softened from his previous scowl. "But I was never the one you wanted... I was never good enough for you. Whether it was Madelaine, or Jonah-"

"Wait, Jonah? You think I love Jonah?" He looked down at his feet.

"It's fine, I get it...he's better than me. I'm worthless, I mean nothing to you."

I shook my head in disbelief. "You're so naïve Jack, I love YOU." The rain slowed down to a light patter. Softer and quieter, maybe, but nonetheless still miserable. The glint of anger in is eyes were replaced with confusion and sadness.

"You... you, what?" He advanced towards me but I took a step back.

"I- I love you.." my voice was barely over a whisper. My vision was blurred by my tears, and the surrounding rain. "I don't understand, but what about Jonah? Aren't you two-" I cut him off.

"No Jack, we're not. He was there to pick up the pieces YOU left me in." by now my tears were again streaming down my face, and my voice was breaking.

"He was there when I would cry myself to sleep every night, and not love myself, wanting to end it all... wishing I would die... and where were you?"

His face went pale. He held his head in his hands. "What about the letter to Madelaine... the one I found?" His voice was now quiet, laced with guilt.

"You thought the letter was to Madelaine? No Jack, it was to you. It said your name in it you idiot! Didn't you at least comprehend the part about your curls!?" I scoffed, but it came out slightly demented due to my crying. He looked up at me, stunned. "I didn't read it all..." He said, his eyes wide.

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 | 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐲 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now