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- Chapter 25

I was happy.

Anglia had given me Mitch's number and it turns out that he was about to plan a flight back home to Montreal. It was a stroke of luck this happened, but I took the chance. He offered to take me with him, joking around, until I admitted that I wanted to.

I didn't tell him the truth. I just told him that sunny California wasn't meant for someone like me and he shrugged, but told me I could join.

Mat was already gone, visiting his pet rabbits he told me. He kept telling me other things about himself and Mat, thinking I was going to stay with them forever. I kept my mouth shut as he rambled on, laughing at his own jokes.

After a while, I sighed softly and told him to remember to get a ticket for me; I had promised to pay him back ( through Paypal, he kept reminding me) before I left to go pack.


The moment was here.

It was a day or two later. We were finally in Montreal and all I could do was stare at the beauty that constantly surrounded me. Mitch kept pointing out buildings, parks, and shops he thought were interesting as our cab drove past them. The man was nice, acting like a tour guide as well it seemed like.

It wasn't long until we reached his home. We paid the driver and gave an uncommon large tip before leaving him. As the cab made sound during its leave, I couldn't stop staring at the house.

The front door suddenly opened, revealing Mat and two large bunnies in his arms. His lips formed the biggest grin ever as he ran to meet us. Mitch let out a soft chuckle as soon as Mat got close, bringing him close for a hug.

"You cutie." Mitch said, smiling. Mat just laughed and leaned in for a kiss.

And while I just stood there, a soft smile had appeared on my face as well.

I finally escaped. It was my time to be happy. It was my time to be let out and find a happier start. It was my time for a fairy tale happiness.

To Save A Life | asfjerome / petezahhuttWhere stories live. Discover now