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Just a quick filler chapter for the next few.

- Chapter Ten

I've rarely had days when I was sick, making me a little bit dramatic when it happens. Though I was not that dramatic, but enough for Anglia to know something was wrong.

Today, I woke up with ny head pounding. It was as if someome took a sledgehammer and pounded it on my temple. Of course, I was exaggerating a little, but I was put into a bad mood.

"Hey, you okay, Marse?!"

The door suddenly opened to reveal a worried Anglia and the guys from yesterday.She rushed to my side and started her usual check up routine on me when I was sick, odd, tired, and etc.

"Just a headache, Anglia..." I muttered, rolling over on my left side.

Anglia continued to worry over me as I could hear her murmuring things to herself. I sighed loudly and just told her to stop being a complete worry wart. After a little bit of persuasion, she finally left me to sleep in peace.

Brandon pushed them all out my room, but for some reason, he stayed with me and sat on the foot of my bed. His hair was messy, only hidden by the beanie on his head. He seemed tired, but a glint of determination in his eyes made it seem like he wasn't.

"I need your help, Marse." He said with pleading eyes. In the time I've known him, he didn't seem like the type to beg.

"With what?" I replied, wincing as I sat up.

He took a deep breathe. "I need your help to ask a girl out. . ."

I perked up a little, thinking he would ask Anglia out. So with concealed glee, I pointed all the do's and don't in asking a girl out. After that, I started to ask him questions just about Anglia.

"How long have you known her? I've known her for about 4 years." I started.

"I've known her for a year because of Youtube."

"What do you like best about her? To me, it's just everything."

"I have to agree with you on that." He chuckled.

We continued on like that until I started to yawn loudly, causing Brandon to yawn too. He merely glared at me before telling me to get some sleep. I didn't argue with him, but I wished he stayed.

Every single time, thoughts about what happened recently would pelt me with negativity. All of the thoughts revolved around Anglia and her friends from Youtube.

It made me smile bitterly at the thought that I only had friends because of Anglia. It wasn't really a big deal, but somehow it did to me. I shook my head at myself.

With a sigh, I fell asleep knowing that I was not dramatic the whole day.

To Save A Life | asfjerome / petezahhuttWhere stories live. Discover now