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-Chapter Eleven

I sat on the chair in front of the computer, the screen its usual black in its off state. Sighing softly I turned on the computer, about to make an out of the blue choice.

It made the weird,on sound before flashing white with a grey pear on the screen. It finally loaded the desktop and I clicked the Chrome symbol.

Minecraft, I typed into the search bar.

Clicking on the very first result, it brought me to a site with a video and figures to right saying 'Buy Now.' I mentally laughed; that's what I was doing right now.

I filled out all the information, but one slot: the Username. To be honest, I didn't know what to call my character. It was never my plan to buy the game, but oh, well.

"It should be something that I love. . ." It then occurred to me that I really didn't actually love something.

Feeling slightly discouraged, but still determined, I started to think about the good things that has happened to me lately. I thought about Anglia and her friends, but mostly about Jerome.

My nose twitched a little. It was weird, but it was a habit that came once in a while. It mostly happens when I'm thinking to deeply, though.

I sighed in slight frustration before exiting and I closed the computer.

Maybe I'll think of one tomorrow.

To Save A Life | asfjerome / petezahhuttWhere stories live. Discover now