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Note: this will focus on marse's appearance. I prefer to let readers imagine how they think marse looks like, but physical appearance is something important in writing.

- Chapter 21

It's been 2 days.

I was just at my home away from home, alone with thoughts and a few animals. A little picinic basket was next to me as I sat on the dirt ground.

A rabbit came up to me, staring at me for a moment. Its black eyes looked innocent and its face reminded me of a smiling kid with no worries.

Sighing, I gave it a piece of lettuce from my basket, watching it devour happily. It looked so cheerful, just munching on its food with the occasional glance up at me.

Me? I just appeared as a girl with stupid fears.

There was a time when I was loud, happy, and fearless. Oh, how long has it been? 9 years or so, the last time I felt so cheerful.

Sixth grade was the year of my life. I had plenty of friends and boys crushing on me. Instead of my red hair, I had brown curls with beautiful blue eyes back then. Back when my parents didn't hate me for every single mistake.

Now, my hair was the color of fire. My eyes the color of a dull emerald.

What was the point? I changed so much, but I still feel the same. Was all of it really pointless?

'Yes, dumb one.' They scoffed.

The voices. They were always there for me in bad situations.

'Not like you'll be missed if something happens. Jerome hates you. Anglia has Brandon. And you have a rabbit. It's not like the rabbit is going to stay with you.'


I heard screeching at night.

Tomorrow morning, I went to check what happened.

Its beady black eyes were no longer happy and alive. Its fur was matted with tire treads and blood. And its bones stuck out a little.

'And now you have nothing.'

To Save A Life | asfjerome / petezahhuttWhere stories live. Discover now