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- Chapter Five

That was how I got here, sitting in front of Anglia and her group of friends. They were all chatting to each other gleefully, except for Mat. He would talk to them in a weird voice, always getting a laugh or a weirded out expression. My face just stayed apathetic.

"Why are you even in California anyways, Mat?" She questioned.

"I just got really bored and considering that I can drive, unlike Brandon, I came to his house." Mat explained before standing up and going to the kitchen to get some food. He came out with a bag of chips and a can of coke.

It's interesting that he isn't fat, I thought silently. It was a bit rude, but it was true. Well, for me.

I checked the clock on the wall; my eyes widened when I saw the time. Tugging at Anglia's sleeve, I pointed at the clock. She sighed before turning to her friends and quickly whispered something. All of them nodded their heads.

"Thanks guys. Marse, I have to go work at Lare's. Today's Friday, remember?" She talked to me like I was a child. Like I didn't know anything, but I merely nodded.

Anglia said goodbye to everyone, hugging them too. When she reached Brandon, she seemed to hug him longer. They finally let go of each other, both of them smiling widely. It made me squirm a little. I've never made Anglia that happy.

A little gray cloud came over me, pelting me with raindrops of sadness. No one seemed to notice, so I slipped out of the room and headed to the bathroom. I was hoping they would assume that I was just exploring the house or something else that was harmless.

Once I finally reached the bathroom, I locked the door and sat down the cold, marble floor. It was not as cold as my heart, though. If I even had one. I was never this negative about myself before, I just realized.

"Whatever..." I mumbled to myself before getting off the floor and leaving the bathroom.

The group of 4 boys migrated over to the other living room where all their video games were. Mitch and Jerome were playing Skyrim while Mat watched the duo, eating something in a bowl. On the other couch was Brandon on a laptop, doing who knows what.

" 'Ey, Marse!" Jerome greeted, looking at me for a second before returning to his game. It made me feel a bit sad. They were acting as if I didn't neech much attention.

I sighed again. I was going to be alone for most of the stay. Then again, I was always used to to it with Anglia and I.

- Later At Night

The guest room felt cold and empty. Inside me, a little voice said, 'Like you."

I couldn't really argue with the voice considering how I've been acting lately. I didn't talk much anymore, even with Anglia and my thoughts were negative lately. I don't know what caused this. Maybe it was because of my loneliness? Maybe because I never realized that I was slowly changing.

Just let the thoughts burn, Marse, the voice said in a eerie way.

"Shut up." I sighed softly.

"Hey, Marse?" A voice called out. I sat up.

The door opened and Jerome was there, standing with a sheepish grin. He closed the door and came over to my bed to sit on it.

"Sorry if I'm bothering you, but I just wanted to know you a bit better. You're best friends, practically sisters, with Anglia after all."

Of course. It was only because of Anglia he was here and that I was getting any attention. I mentally shrugged it off and looked at Jerome.

"So, what's your full name?" He pondered.

I froze. It was a common way to start conversation and almost always the first thing you know about someone, but it made me uncomfortable. When was the last time someone asked me that? Did I even remember my name?

Apparently, I did.

"Maya Sera Juneau, but people always think it's Marse Brass."

To Save A Life | asfjerome / petezahhuttOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant