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Being a babysitter/nanny was usually an easy task for me. However, being one for the little devils in this household, it makes people want to scream. Luckily for them, I was a quiet person who didn't like confrontation.

Unless it was an extreme situation. Like the one that occurred at the kitchen earlier.

"Jeremy, Mark!" I had just stumbled on them trying to cook the dead pigeon that was in the backyard.

Sighing  softly, I pushed the two boys aside and got rid of the dead pigeon. They left the kitchen grumbling the moment after.

Dealing with that situation was luckily easy to deal with albeit shocking. I thought that that would be the biggest problem to occur in their household.

Life just grabbed me by the shoulders and slapped me.

The teenage girl from earlier came into the dining room - which was where I was at that current time - with a golden dress ripped to shreds. The girl was near tears as she ranted on about her dog, Puff-Puff.

She, Kylie, dragged me to her room, talking how I have to fix it because it's apparently my fault.

When we entered her room, the first thing I saw was a chihuahua in a cage, baring its teeth. I made sure to avoid it as I made my way over to the convenient sewing machine.

For 2 hours, my day was just filled with sewing a ripped dress to fit the bratty girl's request. She wasn't happy with it until I threatened to throw it to the dog.

It was rare that I did such things like that, but she was annoying.

And now, here I am in the living room watching the twins play more video games. My eyes were droopy and my patience was nearing to none.

And this was my part time job for the next few weeks. Joy.

To Save A Life | asfjerome / petezahhuttWhere stories live. Discover now