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- Chapter 6

"Isn't that Anglia's last name? Brass?" Jerome asks, looking at me with a confused face.

"Apparently, I hang out with Anglia so much that everyone assumes that I'm her sister and that my name is Marse." I explained, squirming a little.

"Oh. Well, I guess I'm glad I asked, though it seem stalkerish." Jerome laughed a little. "Which name do you like best?"

"I don't really care. You can call me Maya, Juneau, or Sera when nobody's around. Other times, you have to call me Marse."

Jerome nodded, but his eyes seemed to reflect a bit of confusion that was inside him. Sighing softly, I proceeded to explain things. Again.

Flashback - A Year Ago

"Miss Juneau, you're late for class again! Considering this is the fourth time this week, I'm afraid I have your parents."

And she did. My parents came to school, their faces tinted red, but a 'polite' smile on their faces. They had a conversation with my teacher before saying goodbye and taking me home.

I cried that night. They yelled at me with no remorse and all of their fury. They pointed out my flaws, my mistakes, and worse. Almost every single time, they'd use my full name.

I hated it.

A month after that, I became close friend with Anglia. Being curious on why I would flinch when someone would say my name, she asked. I told her everything.

"I know, I'll just give you a nickname!" She smiled, thinking that she was a genius for coming up with that idea.

"Yup. I have the perfect name for you. It shall be Marse!"

Instead of cringing or refusing, I nodded. It was a pretty name and it would give me a new start.

Flashback End

"Wow." Was all Jerome said. I shrugged. It wasn't really a 'touching' story.

I looked up at the clock on the night stand; 1:20. Did it really take that much time? Jerome, seeing what I was looking at, suddenly stood up all of a sudden.

"We have to go to sleep now, Maya." He sighed. "Well, night. And thanks for telling me the origins of your name." He chuckled.

"Goodnight..." I said quietly. Jerome stopped and stood in the doorway for a moment before he closed the door.

I wished he stayed.

To Save A Life | asfjerome / petezahhuttOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz