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- Chapter Seven

I didn't sleep that night. My night was filled with me just moving around, trying to sleep, but my thoughts kept interrupting me. It was all about the same thing: Jerome.

He was the first to ask, even after assuming what my name was. It didn't really seem much, but to me, it was. I hated the name of course, my real name, but I didn't mind if anyone, but my parents used it.

I didn't realize it was morning already until a ray of sun hit my face through the blinds and the smell of food cooking. Groaning a little, I got out of bed to see what we were having for breakfast.

Reaching the kitchen, I was surprised to see all of the boys cooking. I held back a soft laugh as I saw Brandon wearing a pink apron and Mitch dancing randomly. Mat turned around and grinned, waving his hand in the air.

"Aw, what's up, girl?"

I stared at him blankly as the others turned. With a grin, Mitch jumped to my side, his arm around my shoulders. He dragged me to the dining table where Brandon was setting the table up. After he placed down plates and silverware, he put out all the food.

There were omlettes with mushrooms, sunny side up, and plain scrambled eggs. Next, he set out the cereals and milk before bringing the bacon. Almost everyone lunged for a piece.

I stared at them, slightly horrified, at what I had just witnessed. People told me that bacon would turn people into savages; I didn't think that would be true, but it apparently is.

We all ate our breakfast, the four boys talking to each other excitedly. After a while, Brandon got up to do the dishes. Feeling in debt, I quicky got up as well to help him.

"It's fine, Marse." He chuckled, but accepting my help nonetheless.

With the both of us working, the dishes managed to be cleaned in what seemed to be record time. He grinned at me before going upstairs to record some videos with the others.

Shrugging, I headed over to the living room to go watch a movie, but I was surprised when I saw Jerome watching Finding Nemo. I walked slowly over to him and sat down on the sofa.

"Hey, Maya." Jerome smiled, pausing the movie. I smiled back at him. His hat from yesterday was on his head; he said it made him feel cool.

"Hello, Jerome. Do you know when Anglia will come and pick me up?"

"Sorry, biggums, but no." He frowned.

I sighed softly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "I'll just spend the morning here."

"Want me to keep you company? Anglia probably wouldn't want you to be lonely..."

"Yes, I would like that." I replied, trying to ignore the nagging thought in my head.

To Save A Life | asfjerome / petezahhuttWhere stories live. Discover now