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- Chapter 20

After we finished the baking classes, we tried to make our way back home. Key word : tried.

I had refused to go in the car, terrified of the path we were going to take. The only reason why I was complying last time was because of Mrs. Brelle's path. She had given me the shortest path to the classes, but it was only open until 5.

It was 6 now.

"Come on, Maya!" Jerome pleaded, running his hand through his hair. He was irritated, yet he still stayed.

"You can go. I'll just wait for Anglia." I muttered, stepping away from Jerome. He reached out but I just looked away.

"No, I don't want to go on the highway!" I yelled, shutting my eyes tight.

I didn't want to revive the past and I didn't want Jerome to know.

"Stupid mistakes..." I murmured to myself, a small, but bitter smile on my face.

"Are you okay?" He sighed, sitting down on the curb as I stayed standing.

Was I okay? In some aspects, yes and others no. I wasn't going insane, I wasn't trying to murder someone, but I was afraid of stupid things like a highway and spent my free time trying not to let voices into my head.

I was just a stupid girl, afraid and useless.

'About time you realized that, Maya.' the voice scoffed.

Perfect timing of it, really.

"Whatever, just go. I'll wait here."

"Like that's a good idea!" Jerome fumed, practically stamping over to me. "Fine then, I'll wait here with you. It isn't safe at night, idiot."

It was hurtful, him calling me an idiot, but I stayed silent. He probably thought that it wouldn't affect me much. Stupid. It was what described me perfectly and what he thought of me.

Jerome pulled out his phone and called someone, Anglia most likely. The call was over in a minute and it was just us sitting in tense silence afterwards. We both just stood there for a moment before he took a seat onto the curb, pulling out his phone once more.

"She'll be here in 7 minutes." He said sharply.

I nodded and remained silent.

'Look at that. Little Maya messing this up again. Good job on that. Now how the hell is a sane, normal guy like him going to stick with, well, you?'

It wasn't wrong. And why would he even stick with me? I was just a stupid, fearful girl.

A car honk and bright lights brought me out of my mind as I stood up. Jerome stood up as well, but stormed towards to his own car, driving off as soon as he could.

I sighed softly before getting into Anglia's car. She gave a pitiful smile before driving off. We didn't take the same path as Jerome though. Whenever I felt like nothing, she took me to somewhere different.

It was a little condo far away from the city, surrounded by a forest and a lake was nearby. Peaceful animals were a common thing there, ranging from deer to rabbit. It was like a sanctuary for animals and I, but more freedom to them.

"Jerome will still be your friend, Marse."

"What reason does he have to still be my friend?"

"Plenty of reasons why."

"Name them."

And then it was silent.

To Save A Life | asfjerome / petezahhuttWhere stories live. Discover now