18~ Jesus Take the Wheel

Start from the beginning

The green car just managed to follow us.

"I can try," I winced, reluctantly unbuckling my seatbelt shakily and scrambling into the back seat before Jungkook decided to cut another sharp turn.

Clinging to the backseat, I zeroed in and could just make out a figure in the driver's seat of the green vehicle, but I couldn't connect with his aura no matter how hard I focused.

"He's too far away," I informed Jungkook, giving up.

"Get back up here," he commanded. "And buckle up."

"I can just buckle up in the backseat—"

"Don't argue with me," he cut me off, tone leaving no more room for excuses. "Sit next to me. This is about to turn into a city car chase."

Oh yeah. Sit up front during a car chase. What a wonderful idea.

I grudgingly clambered back over the console and plopped into the passenger seat, buckling up.

Swallowing hard, I watched the dial on the speedometer slowly making its way to the right, the sound of the car engine filling the air, louder and louder.

75 MPH.

85 MPH.

95 MPH.

"J-Jungkook aren't you going a tad bit—"

"I'm just warming up right now." A dark smirk pricked at Jungkook's lips and a cunning, mischievous glint slowly spread across his eyes. He almost looked like a psycho himself.

100 MPH.

110 MPH.

The car engine was now deafening and the way the buildings were whizzing past insanely fast was making my stomach twist in ways that didn't bode well.

"We are in city limits right now, are you crazy man?" I yelled as Jungkook jerked the wheel, almost taking out a floral delivery truck parked on the side of the road.

"Hell yeah I'm crazy," he shot a wink at me.

"Eyes on the road," I was gripping the seat with both hands tightly now just like on the airplane. "You're breaking every single driving law in the entire history of driving, don't you dare wink at me!"

"Lucky for you, I'm outside the law by now," Jungkook wrenched the wheel as we screeched around some large building.

"No! Not lucky for me! This sucks!" I squeezed my eyes shut at the motion. That, unfortunately made the problem ten times worse and I forced my eyes open again.

A sudden loud pop sound rang in my ears, somehow managing to be heard over the roaring engine. The green car was somehow keeping up with Jungkook's crazy driving.

"There's the guns," Jungkook chuckled.

How the mother freaking geese paddling heck was he talking so casually as we shrieked down the city streets at over 115 MPH, weaving in and out of traffic with shots being fired??!!

"He's not shooting to kill," Jungkook muttered, almost under his breath. "He's just trying to make a point."

"Well can he finish making his point and leave us alone?" I flinched as another sharp crack ripped through the air. A shriek escaped me as the side mirror next to me exploded into a shower of glass, the passenger window acting as a thin shield in between.

"Oh I see what he's doing now," Jungkook stomped on the gas pedal as he wrenched the wheel to avoid a motorcyclist, tires screeching. "He's trying to take out all my mirrors so I can't see him."

Another few sharp popping sounds and Jungkook suddenly yelled, swerving as the window beside him shattered.

My vision went white for the barest of seconds as the car almost smashed into some corner coffee shop. Last minute, Jungkook jerked the wheel back.

My hair whipped around me as strong gust of wind came rushing in from the now shattered driver's seat window and swirled inside the car. A massive headache was threatening for me to black out and it felt like my heart was attempting to slam itself  out of my ribcage.

And then we were zooming out of city limits into open country.

"Haven't felt that kind of rush in so long," the mad glint still sparkled a little in Jungkook's eyes as he glanced in the rearview mirror. "And we even lost the guy."

Deep breaths Y/N. Deep breaths. Oh screw that.


"Ow," Jungkook winced.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, HUH?" I continued shrieking, letting out all my terror in anger.

"No, I mean, ow," he flinched, looking down.

Following his gaze my voice instantly died out and I gasped. "Jungkook your arm!"

The left sleeve of the white sweatshirt Jungkook was wearing was soaked in red. Blood.



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