Best Laid Plans

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"I'll use the Black lion to lure Zarkon's fleet to our current location and make sure he's within the teludav's area of effect. Keeping the teludav hidden behind the space-fold until the last possible second is essential."

"Can we count on you, Slav?" I asked facing the multi legged alien.

"Absolutely, princess. I'll be fine." He answered confidently but then gave an unsure expression, "I'm not sure about the gravity generator, though."

"What? What was that last thing?" Hunk asked.

"Hiding a ship is one thing, but I've never had to build a gravity generator for something this large before. I know it'll work, but I'm not really sure for how long." Slav informed.

I clenched my necklace, thinking of a way to help. I let out a breath and took off my necklace. Then it hit me.

In my free time, I like to experiment with crystals, and just a short while ago I created another sapphire with the same abilities as my necklace. I dug into my armor pocket, grabbed the sapphire and handed it to Slav.

"Here, Slav." I said, "This sapphire is a copy of my necklace, which has the ability to turn anything invisible. It should help distribute the energy of the gravity generator."

Slav happily took and examimed the sapphire.

"Good thinking, Zurine. But it's still risky." Shiro said, Once Zarkon's ship is in position, Kolivan and Antok will coordinate with Thace. Together, they'll take down Zarkon's security system and upload the virus. Meanwhile, for extra measure, Zurine will use her powers of sun, moon and crystal to freeze up the engines."

Pidge smirked and held her glasses, "And then, he'll be a sitting du-flax." She opened her eyes and saw everyone but me giving her a confused stare.

"What? A du-flax is an Altean creature with a beak and webbed feet." She was interrupted by Coran.

"We'll wormhole Zarkon 500 milliom light years away and he'll be in the Yggiz Galaxy before he knows what's hit him!" Coran exclaimed happily as the others tried to avoid his jumps and throws."

I sighed and shook my head at the Altean's behavior. Shiro turned towards Kolivan.

"What about Thace?" He asked.

"He should be getting into position now." Kolivan replied, "We've received his last communication three quintants ago. We should hear from him soon."

"Let's do it." Shiro said. Finally, the final battle between us and Zarkon is about to begin, and the universe will be freed from his hold.

Shiro boarded his lion and flew off to Zarkon's position. As we waited for our side of the plan to begin, I took off my earrings and stared at them in worry for my friend.

Keith noticed my worry, he sat down and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"He'll be fine, Zurine. You've got nothing to worry about." He said reassuringly.

I nodded, "Keith..." I said hesitantly, "Remember that promise you made to me all those years ago?"

He was caught off guard for a second before answering, "Of course I remember. It was the day before you were to leave Earth. But why mention it now?"

I lifted my head and stared deeply into his purple eyes. The eyes that held so much pain, yet so much love for me.

"I'm mentioning it... because it might be time to fulfill it."

We stayed in that position for a little while longer, just enjoying each other's presence.

Shiro appeared on screen, "Zarkon took the bait. He's got my location. Is everybody in position?"

The White Lion PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora