ME: "Ok, will do. I'll call you back soon Tisha."


I looked through the mirror as Aliyah climbed in the back of the car. "Hey baby." She took off her backpack and buckled up. "Hi." I smiled. "How was your first day back?" She shrugged. "....Did you learn anything new?" She shook her head no. I frowned. "You alright?" She nodded and opened up her backpack, pulling out her coloring book and crayons.

I pulled away from the curb and took a deep breath. "You hungry?" She shook her head no. I frowned wondering what was wrong with her. I knew that she was sad about August leaving, but she never was quiet like this before.


I leaned up agaisnt the resturant door and waited for Ryelle to get here. I looked down at my watch, wondering what the hell was taking so long. "Come on." I mumbled. I jumped a little once I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I pulled it out and sighed once I seen Simone calling me. "Shit!" I quickly answered and placed the pone to my ear.

ME: "Hey baby."

SIMONE: "Hey, do you have a minute to talk?"

I looked around to make sure Ryelle was nowhere in sight.

ME: "Yeah, only a minute though."

SIMONE: "You busy or something? I thought your show was over."

ME: "I-It is, I was just about to hop in the shower."

She chuckled.

SIMONE: "Oh, so your shower is more important than me?"

ME: "Nah, nah.. wassup though?"

I looked past my shouler to make sure no one was coming.

SIMONE: "I wanted to tell you how my day was....and to see if Aliyah wanted to talk to you."

I shifted the phone to my other ear and waited.

SIMONE: "Daddy's on the phone, do you want to speak to him?"

I could hear her sigh, meaning that was a no.

SIMONE: "Im sorry baby, she's still upset....she's never been this mad before."

I cleared my throat.

ME: "I's straight, she has a right to be upset.."

SIMONE: "I know, but I know it has to hurt your feelings."

ME: "It does, but Im good ma....she'll come was your day?"

She took a deep breath.

SIMONE: "Good, I got a call about the boutique in Atlanta today."

ME: "Oh forreal?"

I looked past my shoulder to see Ryelle walking towards me.

SIMONE: "Yeah, it was good news, they said that the evertything's going well and might be able to open up sooner that we thought."

ME: "Yeah, yeah, that's good ma, look I gotta go ight? I'll call you in the morning."

SIMONE: "Um, okay? Am I missing something?"

ME: "Nah, I just gotta go, love you, goodnight."

I hung up the phone and dropped it back in my pocket, just in time for Ryelle to be walking up to me.

"Hey, sorry Im late, I had to wait on my bodyguard to drive me." I nodded. "It's fine, you ready to go inside?" She nodded, shifting her jacket to her other arm. I pulled open the door for her and let her go in first. I could have sworn I heard a flash behind me, but it probably was me just being paranoid.

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