Chapter 8: Missing Arrival

Start from the beginning

It was a text from her mom.


After reading it, she noticed the time. It was four o'clock.

"It's four already? Where did the day go?" She said aloud with a joyous look around the beach.

Jonathan shrugged, "Time flies when you're having fun?"

Lil bumped him with her shoulder and stood up, "Well we should probably get going. It'll take us a while to get back, no?"

He put his arms behind his head, leaned back on a tree trunk, and whined, "But I already peddled all the way here! It's so nice, can't we stay a bit longer?"

A soft breeze fluttered Lil's fiery red, curly hair and she couldn't help from her lips forming into a smile. Jonathan really knew how to push her buttons, but in a good way.

"I'm afraid not. We must go, but I can peddle back, if you'd like?"

He sighed and stood up, "No that's alright. I'll peddle."

"Are you sure?" Lil asked, "I don't mind."

He waved a hand and picked up the empty box, "It's fine. I've got legs of steel."

The pair walked to the bike and climbed on. On the ride back, Lil found herself relaxing on to him. She was tired from a busy day, and leaning on Jonathan's back was very comfortable. Her arms gripping his torso and her head resting on his back, she could almost fall asleep. She also noticed how surprisingly good he smelled. Even after an afternoon of outdoor activities, he still smelt like whatever cologne he had put on, which also happened to smell amazing. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she thought it smelt something like cinnamon apples...

"How odd..." She thought.

"You doing alright back there?" Jonathan called.

Lil nodded with a, "Mhm-hmm."

It came our sounding more sleepy than she intended but, she couldn't help it.

"We're almost back to your house. And it's a good thing, because you sound like you're falling asleep" He laughed.

Lil smiled and lifted her head, "Well what do you expect? We've been running all over town today."

Jonathan scoffed, "It's not like you've been peddling this thing around!"

She rolled her eyes, "I suppose you're right. I'm sorry."

"You're forgiven." He chuckled.

Lil rested her chin on his shoulder and sighed, "But I'm still tired."

They continued in a comfortable silence the rest of the way back to Lil's. Once they stopped in front of her house, her phone read '5:10'.

"Right on time." She exclaimed as she hopped off the back of the bike.

"Good." Jonathan replied.

She stepped next to his bike and crossed her arms, lightly nudging him with an elbow, "I had fun today."

He nudged her back and fixed his wind-blown hair, "Me too."

"Thanks for showing me around. I'll definitely be going back to that bakery for more of that..." She struggled to find the word.

"Apple Amber." He finished.

"Right!" She laughed, "The food that isn't actually made of a person."

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