Chapter 37: Captive

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"The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself."
- Mark Caine


I can't open my eyes. They feel heavy - as if weighted down by something. I struggle to force my eyes open, but all I manage to do is get glimpses of the world around my through blurry peaks.

There are hands grabbing me all over, but not in a threatening way. They're all fighting to check on me - to get to me first. They all want a chance to see for themselves what's wrong with me. At just like that, the hands disappear. I'm alone, cold, until suddenly I'm blanketed by a warmth. Two, strong arms lift me up and carry me somewhere.

Blindly, I try to hold on to whomever is holding me, but I don't even have the strength to move my arms. I feel my head loll back and I have no control over it, but the person's arm gently nudges my head onto my chest. Somehow, I crack open an eye.

It's Peter who's carrying me. I should have guessed. He's always there for me. I can't think of one occasion where he's faltered. Even back in Ireland he was there to rescue me from my parents.

My parents. I have those... right? Yes, I must. I'm having trouble remembering what they look like. My Mother has... blonde hair? No, that's Peter. My Father wears... a hat? No, that's the Lost Boys. It frightens me that I can't remember their faces, but I do remember one thing. I ran away. I ran away because they did something awful. And if I ran away from that, than I am never going back.

I open my mouth to say something to Peter, but my tongue feels swollen.
"Aren't I supposed to be saving you?" I rasp, eyes closed.
I feel his chest move in a chuckle, "Not now, Lilith. This isn't the time for your jokes."
"My jokes?" I weakly whisper, a throbbing in my forehead making me see stars behind my closed eyelids.

Peter doesn't respond, but I feel the bounce of us walking. His chest rises and falls calmly as he carries me, and as I feel sudden chills rack my body I nuzzle my head onto his chest. The fire that I once felt melting my insides has turned into a blizzard, leaving me shivering and struggling for breath. Still, I cannot get my eyes open nor rid myself of the sleepiness in my mind.

I still can't figure out what's wrong with me. Why am I so weak? I feel as if all my energy has been involuntarily sapped from my body. Leaving me a fragile shell.

"Peter," I dreamily say as I feel darkness sweeping across my mind, "I don't feel good."
"I know," He gently responds, "Just relax. You need some sleep, that's all."
I try to shake my head, but my attempt fails. Unconsciousness sounding delightful right now, I give in to it's pull, and go limp in Peter's arms.


My shrill voice echos off of empty cavern walls, bouncing back at me. The hollowness of the room and stale smell in the air tell me I'm underground somewhere. I spin in a slow circle, unsure of where I am. The gravel crunches beneath my feet as I take a step forward, and when I look to my left, I see an opening. My heartbeat picking up as I hear a shout from down the hall, I follow it. Soon enough, I begin to hear other voices.

Deep, hearty laughs reverberate in the small system of caves and men's voices travel into my ears. I press myself against the wall and make my way around the bend, and when I do, I see the pirates.

They're all smashing wooden cups of rum together in celebration, and squabbling over a barrel of it. A few of the sober men are sharpening swords, grunting inaudible phrases at each other, while some of them drunkenly toss pebbles across the room and erupt with laughter as they hit their comrades in the back.

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